Maxie Lutze

"Our prosperity is based on the innovative capacity of our country. With our work at the iit we contribute to better understand what innovation capability is and how it can be promoted."

Focus of work

  • Innovation policy
  • Digital transformation in care
  • Assistive technologies and robotics
  • Participatory processes and instruments
  • Social entrepreneurship

Curriculum vitae

Maxie Lutze studied Computer Science and Human Factors in Berlin and South Korea. She has been a consultant at the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) since 2011 and heads the "Demographic and Socio-Digital Change" group. Ms. Lutze holds leading expert positions advising German federal and state ministries as well as innovation policy organizations and healthcare associations. Her work focuses on policy approaches that create incentives for solutions to societal challenges. When dealing with innovation systems and implications of digitalization, one focus is on the study of innovations in the field of care and digitalization (digital care). This includes topics such as benefit assessment and the transformation of work and care structures (digital transformation). In the design of innovation support and methodological issues of innovation research, she is committed to the development of appropriate processes and instruments of participation.


Lutze, Maxie (2023): Nutzenbewertung von Pflegetechnologien: Die Relevanz, pflegebedürftige Personen als zentrale Perspektive zu beteiligen. Springer Nature.
Stubbe, Julian; Lutze, Maxie; Meyer, Gereon; Michelmann, Jakob (2021): Die Rolle von Partizipation in der missionsorientierten Innovationspolitik.
Schley, Angelika ; Hirt, Julian ; Horstmannshoff, Caren ; Schüssler, Sandra ; Lutze, Maxie ; Jagoda, Franziska ; Häussl, Alfred; Müller, Martin ; Balzer, Katrin (2021): Evaluation von digitalen Assistenzsystemen für die Pflege in öffentlich geförderten Forschungsprojekten in Deutschland, Österreich und der deutschsprachigen Schweiz (EvaDigiAssSys): ein Survey
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) ; Lutze, Maxie ; Trauzettel, Franziska ; Anne Busch-Heizmann, Anne; Bovenschulte, Marc (2021): Potenziale einer Pflege 4.0: Wie technologische Innovationen in der Langzeitpflege Entlastung schaffen und die Arbeitszufriedenheit verändern können.