Developments in mobility not only have considerable market potential, but possibly contribute to climate protection at the same time.
Mobility is not only about power transmission technology or infrastructure, but also about networking and communication between road users and, moreover, about the promotion of certain transport options.
The iit deals with political, economic and technological solutions and innovations from a national and international, especially European, perspective. Questions are for example:
- Which potentials can be released by different power transmission technologies?
- What are the technological and organisational infrastructures that need to be provided in the future?
- Are there risks and consequences by introducing new mobility concepts?
The iit’s projects and publications on the topic of mobility are listed below.
iit projects & publications
redarding mobility topics
Transnational Research Coordination and Monitoring of Erasmus+ in Adult Education
Education & Research, International & Geo Tech Politics, Mobility
In cooperation with the Dutch consulting institute Ockham IPS, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is supporting the establishment of the RIA-AE research network for impact measurement of Erasmus+ in adult education for the German National Agency at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The aim […]
Accompanying Evaluation of the German Elektro Mobil Programme
Innovations & Technologies, Mobility
Germany is to develop into the leading provider and leading market for electromobility. The ‘Elektro-Mobil’ funding programme also serves to implement this strategy by funding the development of charging infrastructure as part of research projects on the one hand and production-related research projects in the field of electromobility on the […]
Accompanying research 'Electro Mobile'
The funding program Electro Mobile of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) supports a wide range of R&D activities to exploit the climate and environmental benefits of electric vehicles, improve charging convenience, availability and utilization of charging infrastructure, and strengthen the value chain of electric […]
Scientific support, networking and transfer of results for the technology program 'Smart Service World II - New application areas for digital services and platforms'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies, Mobility
With the Smart Service World II technology program, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology (BMWi) is funding 18 projects for the development of intelligent, data-based services in the fields of energy, living, mobility, production, work and medicine. The program researches and develops prototypical, overarching technological applications that […]
Model project 'Smart City Smart Region - Municipal digitization strategies for urban development and mobility of the future'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Against the backdrop of new digital possibilities in the context of 'Smart City', the German Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport (StMB) is conducting the model project "Smart City Smart Region - Municipal Digitization Strategies for Urban Planning and Mobility of the Future". A total of 12 Bavarian […]
Automated Driving in the Smart City
Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure
On behalf of the Association of German Engineers (VDI), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) conducted a study on automated driving in the smart city. The aim of the study was to classify and evaluate the current public opinion on automated driving based on scientific findings. A central finding […]
QuaTOQ – Quality of work, employment and employability in the interplay of technology, organisation and qualification
Economy & Labor, Business development, Medicine & Health, Mobility
Activities, work content and processes are changing under the influence of digitalisation. This is accompanied by different models of work organisation as well as qualification and competence needs. Although these developments have been dealt with in specialist publications in the recent past, they have hardly been related to each other. […]
eMO Potential Study CityWest
Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The aim of the project "Potential Study CityWest" is to develop a systematic and holistic methodology to identify and evaluate possible applications of intelligent mobility technologies in urban test fields - and then to apply them to the selected test field "City West". For this purpose, criteria for the analysis […]
Evaluation of the aircraft outfitter program
Innovations & Technologies, Mobility
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) supports research and technology projects of companies from the aerospace industry in the field of civil and commercial aviation in Germany with loans to limit development risks. Together with its partners, iit has taken on the task of evaluating the […]
Development and application of cluster impact analysis using the example of an automobile cluster
Economy & Labor, Business development, Mobility
With the help of the Cluster Impact Analysis, answers to the following questions can be found: To what extent do companies in networks and clusters benefit? In which areas do the companies benefit most? Can the goals that the companies hope to achieve through participation and involvement in the cluster […]