Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence
Digitisation is continuously changing all areas of life. Artificial intelligence is accelerating this process – from extremly obvious to almost imperceptible.
Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence in its various forms, cyber and IT security or virtual and augmented reality are in the focus of our analyses. The iit works on questions such as the following:
- How is digitiation changing our areas of life and society?
- What are the prerequisites and success factors for successful digitisation?
- What are the risks and consequences of digitisation and the use of artificial intelligence?
- What are the consquences of digitisation of work processes and work areas?
The iit’s projects and publications on digitisation and artificial intelligence are listed below.
iit projects & publications
regarding digitisation & artificial intelligence topics
Crisis Science Project (CRISP)
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies
In the event of an upcoming crisis, quick responses are essential. To develop responsive strategies and emergency measures, both policymakers and scientists need to be well connected, enabling them to exchange knowledge and relevant information in a timely manner. In autumn and winter 2021/2022 the Institute for Innovation and Technology […]
Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB)
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Horizon scanning provides indications of emerging developments and describes their potential for social, technological, economic, political and ecological change in order to assess their relevance for political and strategic decision-making processes. The aim is to contribute to the research and innovation policy orientation and opinion-forming of the Committee on Education, […]
Digitalisation in medical technology - challenge and opportunity
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health
Digitalisation in medical technology represents both a challenge and a great opportunity for the German healthcare system and enables more efficient and precise diagnosis and treatment of patients. The study shows many positive examples of how digitalisation has already been successfully integrated into everyday medical practice in Germany. Study (German […]
AI for the justice system in Hesse - conceptualisation and implementation of a series of workshops
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a key technology for solving complex tasks and creating new approaches to overcoming economic and social challenges. The use of AI is not about replacing people, but about relieving and supporting them. The potential of artificial intelligence to automate workflows and work processes is also […]
Study on microcredentials at university level
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies
Microcredentials (MC) are compact and thematically focussed training courses with proven examination performance. According to the EU Council recommendation from 2022, for example, they should help to flexibly address the constantly changing and differentiating skills requirements of everyday working and living life. Universities play a dual role here: on the […]
Potentials of quantum computing in Hesse, Germany - an assessment and events for business, science and administration
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies
In its digital strategy "Digital Hesse" and the agenda "AI made in Hesse - Our future agenda for innovation and responsibility", the German Hessian state government set itself the goal of bundling existing research activities and bringing together stakeholders from science and industry. This also includes quantum computing topics. The […]
Strategy for the use of artificial intelligence in Brandenburg businesses
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence
On behalf of the German Brandenburg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy (MWAE), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has developed a strategy for the use of artificial intelligence in Brandenburg companies. The aim of the AI strategy is to improve the potential for AI technologies and their […]
Municipal data competence for more common good
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence
In this project, iit experts and partners are working together on a study to develop recommendations for more data competence in municipal administrations. The "KoDaKo" project, funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), focuses on the question of how municipalities can best […]
Strategic foresight for the VDE (German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies VDE)
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies
The German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies VDE starts a process of early strategic foresight. In this way, it is identifying opportunities for new success potential and preparing for risks in good time. As part of innovation management, the new process looks at a period more than five years […]
Artificial Intelligence Innovation Competition
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence
As part of the AI Innovation Competition, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) aims to promote outstanding approaches to new forms of AI-based platform economies in important sectors of the German economy. As accompanying research, we support the funded projects in the successful and efficient implementation […]
Scientific support, networking and transfer of results for the technology program 'Smart Service World II - New application areas for digital services and platforms'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies, Mobility
With the Smart Service World II technology program, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology (BMWi) is funding 18 projects for the development of intelligent, data-based services in the fields of energy, living, mobility, production, work and medicine. The program researches and develops prototypical, overarching technological applications that […]
Model project 'Smart City Smart Region - Municipal digitization strategies for urban development and mobility of the future'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Against the backdrop of new digital possibilities in the context of 'Smart City', the German Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport (StMB) is conducting the model project "Smart City Smart Region - Municipal Digitization Strategies for Urban Planning and Mobility of the Future". A total of 12 Bavarian […]
Digital sovereignty in industries – the example of technical-organizational systems for the machine tool industry
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Education & Research
Digital souvereignty refers to the ability and capability to use digital technology competently for one's own purposes in a way that one's own ability to act self-determined are at least maintained, and moreover, grow as much as possible. Digital sovereignty affects individual employees and groups of employees in their work […]
Smart Data Economy
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies
The aim of the 'Smart Data Economy' technology programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is to promote research and development projects that develop and test intelligent solutions such as data-related products and systems, data-related services and business models. Digital data management and AI-based systems are […]
Study 'Frame and Working Conditions for Women in the Internet Economy' - Current Situation and Recommendations for Action
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development
In this study the situation of women working in the Internet economy is analyzed in order to point out from this deepening analyses as well as recommendations for action for the improvement of the future situation and to initiate measures. The results are intended to show the career opportunities for […]
Digital sovereignty of all generations
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies
Digital sovereignty means being able to shape one's own life with digital technologies in a self-determined manner and being able to assess the consequences of digitalised actions. In the digital society, competent handling of new media, digital shadows, quantified self, big data, platform economies, social bots and bit coins is […]
'Transform Local' Coburg
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
On behalf of the Coburg Economic Development Agency, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) supports the city in designing a digitization strategy. Expert audits and a workshop will be held to determine the current status of Coburg's digitization and identify concrete measures for further digitization. The results will then […]
Scientific support and transfer of results for the technology programme 'PAiCE - Digital Technologies for the Economy'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies
The PAiCE (Platforms | Additive Manufacturing | Imaging | Communication | Engineering) technology programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) comprises 15 small and medium sized enterprises (SME) oriented collaborative projects for the transfer of research results into industrial applications. Specialist topics are logistics systems, […]
Study 'Robotics potentials in the Hannover region'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Together with the CIMA Institut für Regionalwirtschaft GmbH, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is developing a systematization of the technological and application potentials of novel adaptive-collaborative autonomous systems, in order to subsequently conduct a corresponding actor and potential analysis of the Hannover Region and an assessment of economic […]
SmartRegion Schwerin
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The aim of the research project is to develop smart solutions/guidelines for an intelligent, innovative and affordable design of the technical infrastructures adapted to the Schwerin region and its surroundings. In order to find out what contribution the Internet of Things/Services can make to maintaining (and improving) the quality of […]
Foresight study 'Digital working world'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development
For the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, an interdisciplinary team from the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is developing a foresight study on the topic of the 'digital working world'. The focus is on a structured analysis of expert opinions and research on new digitally mediated […]
Scientific support and transfer of results for the technology program 'Smart Service World – Internet-based Services for the Economy'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The technology program 'Smart Service World - Internet-based services for business' promotes R&D activities that enable innovative ICT-based services. The 20 funded projects are developing prototypical solutions that collect and analyze data on the basis of networked, intelligent technical systems and provide new services via service platforms, app stores and […]
Effects of digitisation on value creation and the labour market
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development
The study commissioned by the VDI analyses the effects of digitisation on value creation and economic growth as well as on the labour market in Germany based on existing technical literature. It shows the relationship between ICT and economic growth, the effects of Industry 4.0 on value creation and the […]
Scientific accompanying research for the technology programme Autonomics - paving the way for Industry 4.0
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies
In the scientific accompanying research of the technology program Autonomics for Industry 4.0, the projects of the funding program are supported, among other things by working on cross-sectional topics, networking with the Industry 4.0 platform, accompanying the exploitation and transfer of results and several short studies. The aim is to […]
Evaluation ELECTRO POWER Programme
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies
The Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) evaluated the ELEKTRO POWER funding programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) from 2013 until 2016. With this programme, the BMWi aimed in particular to promote new production technologies and processes in the battery sector and in lightweight […]
ELIAS - Engineering and mainstreaming of learning-friendly industrial work systems
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research
The objective of the ELIAS joint project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is to develop new approaches and concepts, taking into account the accelerated technological and demographic change, in order to design modern work and production systems in a way that is […]
Programme integrated impact analysis of the start-up competition – ICT Innovative
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the start-up competition - IKT Innovativ is monitored and evaluated. It is based on the evaluation of process data from the competition procedure and supplementary surveys of participants and relevant comparison groups. The benefits for the competition […]
Support for the accompanying and impact research of the High-Tech Strategy
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies
The accompanying research concept complements the overarching evaluations of the High-Tech Strategy by the Expert Commission for Research and Innovation (EFI), the Research Union as well as individual evaluations of measures of the High-Tech Strategy such as individual funding programs. The analysis of the High-Tech Strategy's fields of innovation and […]
Integrated impact analysis of the multimedia start-up competition
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence
For the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the multimedia start-up competition is accompanied and evaluated. The basis is the evaluation of process data from the competition procedure as well as supplementary surveys of participants and relevant comparison groups. The benefits for the competition arise in several […]