Medicine & Health
Technologies and research results are often linked to hopes for improved quality. One of the challenges is to incorporate innovations into healthcare practice.
The healthcare system is developing at a highly dynamic pace. There are new research findings in medicine, life sciences, pharmacy, psychology and the social and nursing sciences. Moreover, medical technology and research with regard to the healthcare system and patient-centred care is constantly updated. Demand-oriented care, quality, medical-technical progress and efficient use of resources are important keywords for the future design of the healthcare system. Among others, the iit is concerned with the following questions:
- How does digitasation affect medical care?
- How can local but cross-sectoral patient-centred care be organized on site?
- What prerequisites and requirements does the use of new technologies entail?
The iit supports the players in the healthcare industry, for example, with analyses, evaluations and consulting services – the projects and publications are listed in full below.
iit projects & publications
regarding medicine & health topics
Evaluation of the Austrian LBG OIS Centers und the LGB Career Centers
Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies, International, Medicine & Health
Together with experts from WPZ Research, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is evaluating the Open Innovation for Science Centre (OIS) of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) and the Lutwig Boltzmann Career Centre (CC). One of the aims of the evaluation is to identify possible scenarios for thefurther development […]
Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB)
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, International, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Horizon scanning provides indications of emerging developments and describes their potential for social, technological, economic, political and ecological change in order to assess their relevance for political and strategic decision-making processes. The aim is to contribute to the research and innovation policy orientation and opinion-forming of the Committee on Education, […]
Digitalisation in medical technology - challenge and opportunity
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health
Digitalisation in medical technology represents both a challenge and a great opportunity for the German healthcare system and enables more efficient and precise diagnosis and treatment of patients. The study shows many positive examples of how digitalisation has already been successfully integrated into everyday medical practice in Germany. Study (German […]
Quality criteria for innovative care software - basis for reducing the workload of specialised staff in long-term inpatient care?
Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health
The aim of the study was to investigate how innovative care software products should be designed in order to realise potential relief. Innovative software products are characterised by their promise to comprehensively support, organise or even automate actual care processes. In this way, they should help to improve the quality […]
The Crisis Science Project, CRISP
Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health
Policy makers depend on scientific knowledge to successfully manage crises. In current crises such as the Covid 19 pandemic, numerous governments around the world have created transdisciplinary advisory bodies and reorganised cooperation. The goal: to generate relevant knowledge or translate it into applicable knowledge under usually difficult conditions - characterised […]
Care 4.0-Follow-Up
Medicine & Health
Digitasation in care is a multifaced topic. The Care 4.0-Follow-Up project for example focuses on the successful connection to the telematics infrastructure. The iit supports the German Red Cross in preparing the connection of Red Cross care to the telematics infrastructure, which will become mandatory for home care and subsequently […]
Care work 4.0: Benefit assessment of innovative technologies in long-term care
Medicine & Health
The demands on the care system are changing under the influence of demographic, social and digital developments. How can the working conditions of professional caregivers be improved and high-quality care be guaranteed under the claim of a sustainable use of resources? The use of digital technologies is changing the working conditions […]
Trend analysis 'future meat'
Medicine & Health
The worldwide increasing consumption of meat products and their production conditions cause considerable problems for the environment and animals as well as health consequences for humans. A reduction of the persistently high meat consumption in Germany is therefore frequently demanded and an increased use of alternative protein sources is recommended, […]
Digital assistance systems and the need for care: benefits, potentials and the need for action
Medicine & Health
Scientific expertise/ meta-study
Strategy consulting for the Life Science North cluster
Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health
Based on the previous strategy of the Life Science North cluster, the iit has taken over the external support in terms of content and processes for the revision of the cluster strategy 2024. This was done in close cooperation with the cluster management, Life Science Nord Management GmbH and the […]
Use of digital assistance systems in enterprises
Economy & Labor, Business development, Medicine & Health
In order to describe the state of development of digital assistance systems and to estimate their contribution with respect to inclusion/diversity, health maintenance and quality of work, the project developed a classification scheme according to the type of support (physical, sensory, cognitive), level of requirement (low, medium, high, variable) and […]
QuaTOQ – Quality of work, employment and employability in the interplay of technology, organisation and qualification
Economy & Labor, Business development, Medicine & Health, Mobility
Activities, work content and processes are changing under the influence of digitalisation. This is accompanied by different models of work organisation as well as qualification and competence needs. Although these developments have been dealt with in specialist publications in the recent past, they have hardly been related to each other. […]
Socio-technical accompanying research on the model project 'Network HealthyActive' ('NetzWerk GesundAktiv', NWGA)
Medicine & Health
The cross-sectoral model project Network HealthyAcive ('NetzWerk GesundAktiv, NWGA)' , which was launched as a pilot project in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel under the leadership of the Techniker Krankenkasse, aims to enable people of advanced age and in need of care to live largely self-determined lives in their own homes. Through the networking […]
Digitization for more options and participation in old age
Medicine & Health
The study examines the options for senior citizens in the ongoing digitization of all areas of life. In particular from the perspective of the longest possible independence and participation in society into old age. Together with experts, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) will develop a topic matrix, analyze […]
Analysis of the potentials in medical technology in the German capital region Berlin-Brandenburg
Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The medical technology industry, which is characterised by medium-sized companies, is one of the mainstays of the healthcare industry in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region. Accordingly, the regional healthcare industry cluster includes a separate field of activity, medical technology. The aim of the study is to determine the current status of […]
'SozialraumDigital' – Concept for analysis and design
Medicine & Health
A holistic and synergetic view of central issues for the people in a digital society is at the heart of the concept development. The primary objective is to use the opportunities offered by digitisation and technological progress to create a modern, empowering and inclusive social space. A social space describes […]
Health insurer TK consulting order NetzWerk GesundAktiv (NWGA)
Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health
Against the backdrop of demographic change, the German health insurer Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) intends to develop and implement a cross-carrier and cross-sectoral assistance and care network for older people and their relatives by means of an innovative design and networking of existing care structures, services and actors from the health, […]
Scientific support and transfer of results for the technology program 'Smart Service World – Internet-based Services for the Economy'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The technology program 'Smart Service World - Internet-based services for business' promotes R&D activities that enable innovative ICT-based services. The 20 funded projects are developing prototypical solutions that collect and analyze data on the basis of networked, intelligent technical systems and provide new services via service platforms, app stores and […]
Potential study on bioanalytics and diagnostics for the further development of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical field of action of the Healthcare Industry Cluster Berlin Brandenburg
Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The aim of the potential study was to support the cluster health care industry - Health Capital - in the further development and future design of the technology transfer offer in the field of molecular diagnostics and bioanalytics. Based on the results of an evaluation of the Center for Molecular […]
Benefits and financing of technical assistance systems using the example of networks in the neighbourhood
Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The project is based on the results of the study 'Support for people in need of care through technical assistance systems' presented at the end of 2013. It provided the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) with initial indications of the extent to which currently existing technical assistance systems are […]
Evaluation of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Bioanalytics
Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Bioanalytics (ZMDB) was founded in 2009 as a platform for technology transfer. The aim was to promote the development and production of innovative diagnostics in the Berlin-Brandenburg health region during a five-year funding period. Within the scope of the evaluation, the success and development […]
Study 'Investigation on the repositioning and amendment of the promotion training in the food industry'
Education & Research, Medicine & Health
The food industry is the fourth largest industrial sector in Germany with 555,000 employees in about 6,000 companies. In addition to a few large corporations, food is produced primarily by a large number of small and medium-sized companies: about 95 percent of the companies in the food industry employ less […]
Action catalogue 'Competently shaping the future of care' of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Medicine & Health
In the project, which was carried out jointly by IEGUS GmbH, VDI/VDE-IT and the University of Konstanz, concepts for finding and retaining skilled workers in care SMEs were systematised, evaluated and documented. The consideration was supplemented by an analysis of the development of skilled workers in the care sector. The […]