Accompanying Research

We lead research projects to sustainable success by providing support in everything aside from technology development.

The development of highly innovative technologies is at the core of successful research projects. In the context of accompanying research, we support research and development (R&D) programmes and projects (publicly or otherwise funded) by the following actions:

  • identifying and overcoming innovation hurdles
  • leveraging synergy effects with other projects and programmess
  • working on open cross-cutting challenges on legal, ethical and social issues and
  • working on aspects of IT security or standardization and norming.

Right from the start of the process, we work together with our partners in order to develop future business models and identify ways to achieve viable commercial exploitation. At the same time, we ensure the transfer of results from the projects to the relevant economic sectors and industries as well as the political discourse and ensure efficient networking of the innovation policy programs with all relevant national and international stakeholders.

Our clients of accompanying research (selection)


Please find below an overview of the iit’s accompanying research projects.


The funding program Electro Mobile of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) supports a wide range of R&D activities to exploit the climate and environmental benefits of electric vehicles, improve charging convenience, availability and utilization of charging infrastructure, and strengthen the value chain of electric […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence

As part of the AI Innovation Competition, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) aims to promote outstanding approaches to new forms of AI-based platform economies in important sectors of the German economy. As accompanying research, we support the funded projects in the successful and efficient implementation […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies, Mobility

With the Smart Service World II technology program, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology (BMWi) is funding 18 projects for the development of intelligent, data-based services in the fields of energy, living, mobility, production, work and medicine. The program researches and develops prototypical, overarching technological applications that […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure

Against the backdrop of new digital possibilities in the context of 'Smart City', the German Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport (StMB) is conducting the model project "Smart City Smart Region - Municipal Digitization Strategies for Urban Planning and Mobility of the Future". A total of 12 Bavarian […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies

The aim of the 'Smart Data Economy' technology programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is to promote research and development projects that develop and test intelligent solutions such as data-related products and systems, data-related services and business models. Digital data management and AI-based systems are […]

Energy & Sustainability

The accompanying scientific research is to support the interdepartmental Federal Environment Agency project RTD through networking activities, the participatory elaboration of roadmaps and the organisation of an international conference. Within the framework of the accompanying research, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is responsible for the design of five […]

Education & Research, International & Geo Tech Politics

With the Guideline to Promote the Internationalization of Vocational Education and Training, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports companies and education providers in developing and testing sustainable and innovative qualification offerings for the international education and training market. Building on the results of the R&D projects […]

Education & Research

In 2010, the Federal Government and the governments of the States provided an important impetus for the development of demand-oriented and needs-based continuing education offerings at universities with the Federal-States-competition 'Advancement by Education: Open Universities'. The aim of INNOVUM-OH is to contribute to maintaining this dynamic and to ensure that […]

Medicine & Health

The cross-sectoral model project Network HealthyAcive ('NetzWerk GesundAktiv, NWGA)' , which was launched as a pilot project in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel under the leadership of the Techniker Krankenkasse, aims to enable people of advanced age and in need of care to live largely self-determined lives in their own homes. Through the networking […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies

The PAiCE (Platforms | Additive Manufacturing | Imaging | Communication | Engineering) technology programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) comprises 15 small and medium sized enterprises (SME) oriented collaborative projects for the transfer of research results into industrial applications. Specialist topics are logistics systems, […]

Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies

The funding programme 'ELECTRO POWER II: Electric Mobility – Positioning the Value Chain' is part of a comprehensive package of measures with which the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is implementing the goals set out in the Federal Government's National Development Plan for Electric Mobility of […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The technology program 'Smart Service World - Internet-based services for business' promotes R&D activities that enable innovative ICT-based services. The 20 funded projects are developing prototypical solutions that collect and analyze data on the basis of networked, intelligent technical systems and provide new services via service platforms, app stores and […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies

In the scientific accompanying research of the technology program Autonomics for Industry 4.0, the projects of the funding program are supported, among other things by working on cross-sectional topics, networking with the Industry 4.0 platform, accompanying the exploitation and transfer of results and several short studies. The aim is to […]

Education & Research

The aim of the accompanying research project 'Exchange of Experience and Integration' is to expand the knowledge base on the topic of public-private partnerships and to promote the dialogue between the funded research campuses, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), politics and the interested public. In the […]

Education & Research

The aim of the initiative is to promote measures for the transition from vocational to higher education. With this initiative, the BMBF is building on the results of the predecessor project ANKOM - Crediting of Vocational Competences to University Studies. In the ANKOM - Transitions project, the scientific support provided […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies

The accompanying research concept complements the overarching evaluations of the High-Tech Strategy by the Expert Commission for Research and Innovation (EFI), the Research Union as well as individual evaluations of measures of the High-Tech Strategy such as individual funding programs. The analysis of the High-Tech Strategy's fields of innovation and […]

Innovations & Technologies

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the implementation of the development and test projects in the eleven collaborative projects is analyzed, the coherence of the individual projects within the overall program is ensured and the project results are evaluated for rapid dissemination to […]

Education & Research

The central tasks of the scientific support, which is a cooperation partnership between the German Centre for Higher Education and Science Research (DZHW) and the iit, are to provide advice and information to the eleven development projects that are part of the BMBF initiative and to evaluate processes and results […]