Regional Development & Infrastructure
By developing new concepts there is potential to continously improve quality of life and competitiveness in urban living and metropolitan areas, but also in rural regions.
Increasing demands are made on regions and municipalities, for example in terms of technological solutions, in having flexible strategies in place or in showing superior social skills when hosting participatory formats with many stakeholders. For regional development, it is a matter of conserving resources and using them efficiently, developing mobility and logistics concepts, planning buildings and traffic routes that are suitable for community members, but also creating new opportunities through socially acceptable communication options with the help of appropriate technologies.
The iit provides neutral advice on the following questions, among others:
- What does the regional innovation landscape look like?
- Which innovation actors are the key players in the region?
- What opportunities can be provided to improve networking and to strengthen existing potentials within and cross-regional?
- How to differentiate the trends that may be ignored from the ones that must be considered when reviwing the regional innovation strategy?
The iit projects and publications on regional development & infrastructure are listed below.
iit projects & publications
regarding regional development & infrastructure topics
Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB)
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, International, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Horizon scanning provides indications of emerging developments and describes their potential for social, technological, economic, political and ecological change in order to assess their relevance for political and strategic decision-making processes. The aim is to contribute to the research and innovation policy orientation and opinion-forming of the Committee on Education, […]
Future Radar Digital Municipality
Regional Development & Infrastructure
Together with the German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has regularly published the "Future Radar Digital Municipality" since 2018. The survey aims to provide answers on the current status of digitalization in municipalities, identify acute needs for action and highlight possible starting […]
Updating the regional innovation strategy of the Saarland
Regional Development & Infrastructure
On behalf of the Saarland Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digital and Energy (MWIDE), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) supported the update of the Saarland Strategy for Research and Innovation (2024-2030). The basis for the strategy was laid - under the leadership of MWIDE - by around 100 […]
Concept development and process support campus for education and training for transformation and Innovation in the field of climate protection
Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
For the Bremen state government in Germany, the iit is developing the concept for a campus for education and training for transformation and innovation in the field of climate protection. The focus is on a systematic survey of the current education and training situation in Bremen and a needs analysis […]
Survey of qualification needs in the field of energy and heat in the German state of Bremen
Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The study "Further training needs and qualification structures in the field of energy and heat in the state of Bremen", commissioned by the Bremen Chamber of Employees, complements the study "Ecological transformation and dual training in the state of Bremen", which focuses on the topic of training, by determining the […]
Municipal data competence for the common good
Regional Development & Infrastructure
In a study, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is working with partners to develop recommendations for more data competence in municipal administrations. The "KoDaKo" project, which is funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), focuses on the question of how […]
Model project 'Smart City Smart Region - Municipal digitization strategies for urban development and mobility of the future'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Against the backdrop of new digital possibilities in the context of 'Smart City', the German Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport (StMB) is conducting the model project "Smart City Smart Region - Municipal Digitization Strategies for Urban Planning and Mobility of the Future". A total of 12 Bavarian […]
Evaluation Innovation-oriented Network Start-up Schleswig-Holstein
Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum Fachhochschule Kiel GmbH commissioned the Institute for Innovation and Technology in the VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik (iit) in 2020 to evaluate the joint project "Innovationsorientiertes Netzwerk StartUp Schleswig-Holstein (StartUp SH)". The aim of the evaluation was to evaluate the network and the StartUp SH e.V. association […]
Automated Driving in the Smart City
Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure
On behalf of the Association of German Engineers (VDI), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) conducted a study on automated driving in the smart city. The aim of the study was to classify and evaluate the current public opinion on automated driving based on scientific findings. A central finding […]
Start-up Support System Hamburg: Trends and Potentials on behalf of the Ministry of Economics, Transport and Innovation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The study's aim was to evaluate the performance and competitiveness of the start-up ecosystem in Hamburg with a focus on non-financial support instruments for the promotion of start-ups and start-ups; identification of further development needs and the derivation of recommendations for action and concrete measures.
Innovation Champions Hamburg
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
In a survey carried out on behalf of Hamburg Marketing GmbH (HMG), the Hamburg Metropolitan Region's innovation leaders were brought together by the Economic Development Council of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and examined for their compatibility with the City of Hamburg's communication concept.
'Transform Local' Coburg
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
On behalf of the Coburg Economic Development Agency, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) supports the city in designing a digitization strategy. Expert audits and a workshop will be held to determine the current status of Coburg's digitization and identify concrete measures for further digitization. The results will then […]
eMO Potential Study CityWest
Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The aim of the project "Potential Study CityWest" is to develop a systematic and holistic methodology to identify and evaluate possible applications of intelligent mobility technologies in urban test fields - and then to apply them to the selected test field "City West". For this purpose, criteria for the analysis […]
Utilization concept and requirements program for the Innovation and Technology Center Industry 4.0 in Berlin Schöneweide (ITZ Industry 4.0)
Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
In this project, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is developing a utilization concept and requirements program for an Innovation and Technology Center Industry 4.0, which directly addresses the declared goal of creating the infrastructural prerequisites for the further development of the Innovation and Technology Center Schöneweide as a […]
Analysis of the potentials in medical technology in the German capital region Berlin-Brandenburg
Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The medical technology industry, which is characterised by medium-sized companies, is one of the mainstays of the healthcare industry in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region. Accordingly, the regional healthcare industry cluster includes a separate field of activity, medical technology. The aim of the study is to determine the current status of […]
Marketing concept for marketing Hamburg as a location for innovation
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
On behalf of the HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation, iit has developed a marketing concept for Hamburg as a location for innovation. In the context of an analysis of the current situation and the surrounding area, possible communication contents were identified and potential target groups were named. Based on the […]
Study 'Robotics potentials in the Hannover region'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Together with the CIMA Institut für Regionalwirtschaft GmbH, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is developing a systematization of the technological and application potentials of novel adaptive-collaborative autonomous systems, in order to subsequently conduct a corresponding actor and potential analysis of the Hannover Region and an assessment of economic […]
Communication concept for marketing the research and development location Hamburg Metropolitan Region
Regional Development & Infrastructure
For the Hamburg Marketing GmbH, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has developed a communication concept for marketing the research and development location of the Hamburg metropolitan region. The communication concept focuses on the exchange and transfer processes between the development, application and marketing of innovative ideas and solutions. […]
Process design for the further development of the strategy for the Renewable Energy Cluster Hamburg for 2016 until 2019
Energy & Sustainability, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The project goal is to accompany the further development process for the strategy of the Renewable Energy Cluster Hamburg Cluster Agency (EEHH) for the period from 2016 until 2019 as well as the process definition for the future development and revision of the strategy. The results of the evaluation in […]
SmartRegion Schwerin
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The aim of the research project is to develop smart solutions/guidelines for an intelligent, innovative and affordable design of the technical infrastructures adapted to the Schwerin region and its surroundings. In order to find out what contribution the Internet of Things/Services can make to maintaining (and improving) the quality of […]
Evaluation 'Innovative Regional Growth Cores'
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The funding initiative 'Innovative Regional Growth Cores' is part of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Innovation Initiative for the New States 'Unternehmen Region'. Since the programme was launched in 2001, 997 sub-projects in 48 growth cores have been funded. The aim of the programme is to […]
Scientific support and transfer of results for the technology program 'Smart Service World – Internet-based Services for the Economy'
Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The technology program 'Smart Service World - Internet-based services for business' promotes R&D activities that enable innovative ICT-based services. The 20 funded projects are developing prototypical solutions that collect and analyze data on the basis of networked, intelligent technical systems and provide new services via service platforms, app stores and […]
Potential study on bioanalytics and diagnostics for the further development of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical field of action of the Healthcare Industry Cluster Berlin Brandenburg
Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The aim of the potential study was to support the cluster health care industry - Health Capital - in the further development and future design of the technology transfer offer in the field of molecular diagnostics and bioanalytics. Based on the results of an evaluation of the Center for Molecular […]
Benefits and financing of technical assistance systems using the example of networks in the neighbourhood
Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The project is based on the results of the study 'Support for people in need of care through technical assistance systems' presented at the end of 2013. It provided the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) with initial indications of the extent to which currently existing technical assistance systems are […]
CLUSLIB - Clustermapping Libya
International, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Cluster and network policy has been gaining increasing importance in North Africa since the Arab Spring. This is also the case in Libya, which already addressed the topic of cluster development together with Michael Porter (Harvard Business School) in 2006. The iit's CLUSLIB project continues this work consistently and has […]
Evaluation of the second funding period of the Bavarian Cluster Initiative
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Within the framework of the evaluation carried out by the iit together with the Centre for Regional and Innovation Economics (CRIE) at the University of Bremen, the central cluster policy measure of the Free State of Bavaria, the Cluster Offensive, is being examined with regard to its effectiveness, efficiency and […]
Evaluation of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Bioanalytics
Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Bioanalytics (ZMDB) was founded in 2009 as a platform for technology transfer. The aim was to promote the development and production of innovative diagnostics in the Berlin-Brandenburg health region during a five-year funding period. Within the scope of the evaluation, the success and development […]
Evaluation and Benchmarking of the Renewable Energy Cluster Hamburg
Energy & Sustainability, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The Hamburg Renewable Energy Cluster is analyzed on the basis of the evaluation and benchmarking system jointly developed for all eight Hamburg clusters and cluster policies. The evaluation focuses on member satisfaction analysis to assess the range of services offered and the development of future services by the cluster management. […]
Evaluation and strategic support for the further development of Hessian cluster funding
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The aim of the project was to examine the effectiveness and performance of the funding provided to date and, building on this, to bring together existing funding instruments in an overall strategy. Recommendations for cluster policy were derived, which show the way to a sustainable and efficient use of funding […]
Creation of a concept and potential study 'Scientific campus Hannover-Garbsen'
Education & Research, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Based on the imminent expansion of the mechanical engineering campus of the University of Hannover located in Garbsen, the iit has been commissioned by the Hannover Region to investigate the future development possibilities of the location. In interaction with the Science and Technology Park, which is located about 2 km […]
Concept for the transnational, joint implementation and financing of cluster policy
Innovations & Technologies, International, Regional Development & Infrastructure
In the course of the programming of the Structural Funds funding period 2014 – 2020, a consensual, legally secure and efficient concept for the joint financing of the cluster policy of the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg is being developed. In addition to the organisation of the development process, […]
Evaluation and Benchmarking of the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany
Regional Development & Infrastructure
The evaluation of the Maritime Cluster North Germany applied the evaluation and benchmarking system, which is uniform for all eight Hamburg clusters and cluster policies, to examine the performance, effectiveness and sustainability of the Maritime Cluster North Germany and the associated cluster policy approaches. This was supplemented by a cluster […]
Evaluation of the implementation of the Brandenburg cluster strategy
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
In the study carried out by iit together with Rambøll and evers & jung, the implementation of the cluster project is evaluated by ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH (ZAB). For this purpose, the organisational structures and processes of the cluster project are examined for effectiveness and efficiency. The focus will also be […]
Development of a practicable tool for evaluation and benchmarking for European clusters in the field of creative industries
International, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The aim of the study was to work out the particular challenges of clusters in the creative and cultural sector and to develop a practicable evaluation and benchmarking tool on this basis. Despite the great heterogeneity of clusters in the creative industries, it was possible to develop a practice-oriented instrument […]
Development of a common instrument for the evaluation and benchmarking of all Hamburg based clusters
Innovations & Technologies, International, Regional Development & Infrastructure
Together with dsn, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has developed a uniform evaluation and benchmarking system for all 8 Hamburg clusters that will be used in future evaluations. In an open and transparent process involving numerous stakeholders from business, science and politics, an implementation-oriented system was developed. A […]
'Efficiency Initiative' of the City of Dortmund
Energy & Sustainability, Regional Development & Infrastructure
The Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) within the VDI/VDE-IT has prepared an action-oriented potential analysis for the Economic Development Agency Dortmund within the framework of the 'Efficiency Initiative' with the aim of positioning Dortmund as a business and technology location in the market for future technologies that promote efficiency. […]
Evaluation for cluster management in Schleswig-Holstein
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
On behalf of the Ministry of Science, Economics and Transport of the German State of Schleswig-Holstein (MWV), the three cluster management of the food industry (foodRegio), the maritime industry (Maritime Cluster Schleswig-Holstein) and the information and communication and media industry (DiWiSH) were evaluated together with dsn. The promotion of cluster […]
Evaluation of the funding programme IuK Bavaria
Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure
In the summer of 2005, the VDI/VDE-IT, as the project management agency of the Bavarian Information and Communications Technology Support Programme, began a comprehensive analysis of the support program on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology. The analysis was intended to provide indications of the […]
Evaluation of the funding programme Microsystems Technology Bavaria
Regional Development & Infrastructure
The VDI/VDE-IT, as the project management agency of the MST Bavaria support program, began a comprehensive analysis of the support program in the summer of 2003 on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology. The analysis was intended to provide indications of the extent to which […]