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Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies

In the event of an upcoming crisis, quick responses are essential. To develop responsive strategies and emergency measures, both policymakers and scientists need to be well connected, enabling them to exchange knowledge and relevant information in a timely manner. In autumn and winter 2021/2022 the Institute for Innovation and Technology […]

Education & Research, International & Geo Tech Politics, Mobility

In cooperation with the Dutch consulting institute Ockham IPS, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is supporting the establishment of the RIA-AE research network for impact measurement of Erasmus+ in adult education for the German National Agency at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The aim […]

Education & Research, International & Geo Tech Politics

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is investigating possible follow-up measures for the German national strategy on adult literacy and basic education, the “Alpha Dekade” (2016-2026). Following an initial phase of international consultation, in which suggestions and […]

Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics, Medicine & Health

Together with experts from WPZ Research, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is evaluating the Open Innovation for Science Centre (OIS) of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) and the Lutwig Boltzmann Career Centre (CC). One of the aims of the evaluation is to identify possible scenarios for thefurther development […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure

Horizon scanning provides indications of emerging developments and describes their potential for social, technological, economic, political and ecological change in order to assess their relevance for political and strategic decision-making processes. The aim is to contribute to the research and innovation policy orientation and opinion-forming of the Committee on Education, […]

Innovations & Technologies, Mobility

Germany is to develop into the leading provider and leading market for electromobility. The ‘Elektro-Mobil’ funding programme also serves to implement this strategy by funding the development of charging infrastructure as part of research projects on the one hand and production-related research projects in the field of electromobility on the […]

Regional Development & Infrastructure

Together with the German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has regularly published the "Future Radar Digital Municipality" since 2018. The survey aims to provide answers on the current status of digitalization in municipalities across Germany, identify acute needs for action and highlight […]

Regional Development & Infrastructure

On behalf of the Saarland Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digital and Energy (MWIDE), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) supported the update of the Saarland Strategy for Research and Innovation (2024-2030). The basis for the strategy was laid - under the leadership of MWIDE - by around 100 […]

Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies

The “BuWiK“ report (available in German only) contains statistical data and current research findings on the scientific qualification, career paths, employment conditions and career prospects of young researchers in Germany. It thus forms an important basis for the discussion and further development of the political and legal framework for young […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health

Digitalisation in medical technology represents both a challenge and a great opportunity for the German healthcare system and enables more efficient and precise diagnosis and treatment of patients. The study shows many positive examples of how digitalisation has already been successfully integrated into everyday medical practice in Germany. Study (German […]

Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health

The aim of the study was to investigate how innovative care software products should be designed in order to realise potential relief. Innovative software products are characterised by their promise to comprehensively support, organise or even automate actual care processes. In this way, they should help to improve the quality […]

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics

The Research and Technology Report is the Austrian federal government's status report on federally funded research, technology and innovation in Austria. Based on current data, analyses and findings, relevant development trends and selected topics of the Austrian innovation system are described and reflected in an international context. The iit contributes […]

Education & Research

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit), together with its partner Technopolis Group Deutschland, is conducting an accompanying evaluation of the federal and state programme to promote the recruitment and qualification of professorial staff at universities of applied […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a key technology for solving complex tasks and creating new approaches to overcoming economic and social challenges. The use of AI is not about replacing people, but about relieving and supporting them. The potential of artificial intelligence to automate workflows and work processes is also […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies

Microcredentials (MC) are compact and thematically focussed training courses with proven examination performance. According to the EU Council recommendation from 2022, for example, they should help to flexibly address the constantly changing and differentiating skills requirements of everyday working and living life. Universities play a dual role here: on the […]

Innovations & Technologies

The future cluster QVLS-iLabs was initiated to develop the economic potential of quantum metrology applications and quantum computers in a regional innovation network in the German region of Hannover-Braunschweig. The iLabs act as centres for cooperation between research and industry. The iLabs will initially be dedicated to the development of […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

For the Bremen state government in Germany, the iit is developing the concept for a campus for education and training for transformation and innovation in the field of climate protection. The focus is on a systematic survey of the current education and training situation in Bremen and a needs analysis […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Energy & Sustainability

Under the direction of the Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftliche Strukturforschung (GWS), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit), together with the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the German Institute for Employment Research (IAB), is investigating the path to greenhouse gas neutrality from a labour market perspective […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The study "Further training needs and qualification structures in the field of energy and heat in the state of Bremen", commissioned by the Bremen Chamber of Employees, complements the study "Ecological transformation and dual training in the state of Bremen", which focuses on the topic of training, by determining the […]

Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies

As part of the project "Environmental Effects of Smart City Infrastructures", the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit), subcontracted by adelphi Research, is investigating the facilitating and hindering effects of norms and standards on the implementation of smart city approaches. In the process, an evaluation of international standards in the […]

Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies

Our society is experiencing rapid changes - caused by technological developments such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, driven by ecological challenges such as climate tipping points, water scarcity or the destruction of natural habitats, but also influenced by social innovations such as a sharing economy. Other developments cast their […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies

In its digital strategy "Digital Hesse" and the agenda "AI made in Hesse - Our future agenda for innovation and responsibility", the German Hessian state government set itself the goal of bundling existing research activities and bringing together stakeholders from science and industry. This also includes quantum computing topics. The […]

Innovations & Technologies

On behalf of Volkswagen AG, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has prepared technology studies on the topics of quantum sensor technology and neuromorphic chips. The focus was on the central characteristics and origins of the two (core) technologies, their areas of application and disruptive potential with regard to […]

Education & Research

Content-related advice and support for the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the development of an impact-oriented monitoring system. The aim is to develop a monitoring system that records the AvH-funded activities at the program level and enables a cross-program analysis of the impacts at the overall level. The goal […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence

On behalf of the German Brandenburg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy (MWAE), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has developed a strategy for the use of artificial intelligence in Brandenburg companies. The aim of the AI strategy is to improve the potential for AI technologies and their […]

Medicine & Health

Digitasation in care is a multifaced topic. The Care 4.0-Follow-Up project for example focuses on the successful connection to the telematics infrastructure. The iit supports the German Red Cross in preparing the connection of Red Cross care to the telematics infrastructure, which will become mandatory for home care and subsequently […]

Innovations & Technologies

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) together with its partners Kerlen Evaluation (Edinburgh) and KMU Forschung Austria (Vienna) evaluated the German Space and Innovation Programme. Between 2011and 2018, a good 2,034 funding projects with around €2.14 […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence

In this project, iit experts and partners are working together on a study to develop recommendations for more data competence in municipal administrations. The "KoDaKo" project, funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), focuses on the question of how municipalities can best […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies

The German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies VDE starts a process of early strategic foresight. In this way, it is identifying opportunities for new success potential and preparing for risks in good time. As part of innovation management, the new process looks at a period more than five years […]


The funding program Electro Mobile of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) supports a wide range of R&D activities to exploit the climate and environmental benefits of electric vehicles, improve charging convenience, availability and utilization of charging infrastructure, and strengthen the value chain of electric […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence

As part of the AI Innovation Competition, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) aims to promote outstanding approaches to new forms of AI-based platform economies in important sectors of the German economy. As accompanying research, we support the funded projects in the successful and efficient implementation […]

Regional Development & Infrastructure

In a study, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is working with partners to develop recommendations for more data competence in municipal administrations. The "KoDaKo" project, which is funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), focuses on the question of how […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies

With the introduction of the tax research allowance, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) within the VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH has developed the research allowance calculator as an information platform. The research allowance calculator has been publicly available since January 2020. The platform and the tool integrated into […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

The aim of the Care 4.0 project is to strengthen the skills of employees in actively shaping the care process within the German Red Cross. The following objectives are therefore pursued with the measure: To advance the field of care with regard to its own digitization and innovation culture and […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies, Mobility

With the Smart Service World II technology program, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology (BMWi) is funding 18 projects for the development of intelligent, data-based services in the fields of energy, living, mobility, production, work and medicine. The program researches and develops prototypical, overarching technological applications that […]

Education & Research

The “BuWiN“ report (available in German only) contains statistical data and current research findings on the scientific qualification, career paths, employment conditions and career prospects of young researchers in Germany. It thus forms an important basis for the discussion and further development of the political and legal framework for young […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure

Against the backdrop of new digital possibilities in the context of 'Smart City', the German Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport (StMB) is conducting the model project "Smart City Smart Region - Municipal Digitization Strategies for Urban Planning and Mobility of the Future". A total of 12 Bavarian […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum Fachhochschule Kiel GmbH commissioned the Institute for Innovation and Technology in the VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik (iit) in 2020 to evaluate the joint project "Innovationsorientiertes Netzwerk StartUp Schleswig-Holstein (StartUp SH)". The aim of the evaluation was to evaluate the network and the StartUp SH e.V. association […]

Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure

On behalf of the Association of German Engineers (VDI), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) conducted a study on automated driving in the smart city. The aim of the study was to classify and evaluate the current public opinion on automated driving based on scientific findings. A central finding […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Education & Research

Digital souvereignty refers to the ability and capability to use digital technology competently for one's own purposes in a way that one's own ability to act self-determined are at least maintained, and moreover, grow as much as possible. Digital sovereignty affects individual employees and groups of employees in their work […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies

The aim of the 'Smart Data Economy' technology programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is to promote research and development projects that develop and test intelligent solutions such as data-related products and systems, data-related services and business models. Digital data management and AI-based systems are […]

Medicine & Health

The demands on the care system are changing under the influence of demographic, social and digital developments. How can the working conditions of professional caregivers be improved and high-quality care be guaranteed under the claim of a sustainable use of resources? The use of digital technologies is changing the working conditions […]

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The study's aim was to evaluate the performance and competitiveness of the start-up ecosystem in Hamburg with a focus on non-financial support instruments for the promotion of start-ups and start-ups; identification of further development needs and the derivation of recommendations for action and concrete measures.

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics

The Research and Technology Report is the management report of the Austrian Federal Government on federally funded research, technology and innovation in Austria. Based on current data, analyses and findings, relevant development trends and selected topics of the Austrian innovation system are described and reflected in an international context. The […]

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics

For the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) evaluated the Austrian Space Application Programmes and the Austrian Space Strategy on behalf of KMU Forschung Austria. The focus of the evaluation was the assessment of the program design as well as […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development

In this study the situation of women working in the Internet economy is analyzed in order to point out from this deepening analyses as well as recommendations for action for the improvement of the future situation and to initiate measures. The results are intended to show the career opportunities for […]

Innovations & Technologies

On behalf of the HIW Hamburg Invest Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, the iit conducted exemplary network analyses for various topics and industries in 2018. In the process, R&D cooperation projects involving the Hamburg Innovation Champions were identified using data from the federal government's funding catalog and the European CORDIS database, and then […]

Medicine & Health

The worldwide increasing consumption of meat products and their production conditions cause considerable problems for the environment and animals as well as health consequences for humans. A reduction of the persistently high meat consumption in Germany is therefore frequently demanded and an increased use of alternative protein sources is recommended, […]

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

In a survey carried out on behalf of Hamburg Marketing GmbH (HMG), the Hamburg Metropolitan Region's innovation leaders were brought together by the Economic Development Council of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and examined for their compatibility with the City of Hamburg's communication concept.

Innovations & Technologies

An Innovation Scanning was carried out for the City of Hamburg in order to present R&D excellence for the validation of the innovation drivers and future fields of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. The iit's Innovation Scanning Process allows the identification of essential innovation projects and topics that […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, International & Geo Tech Politics

The fourth Industrial Revolution, the transition to Industry 4.0, also poses major challenges for Asian economies and governments. In addition to the industrial capacity for Industry 4.0, the respective national research, technology, education and innovation policies play a major role with regard to the readiness of Asian countries for the […]

Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health

Based on the previous strategy of the Life Science North cluster, the iit has taken over the external support in terms of content and processes for the revision of the cluster strategy 2024. This was done in close cooperation with the cluster management, Life Science Nord Management GmbH and the […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies

Digital sovereignty means being able to shape one's own life with digital technologies in a self-determined manner and being able to assess the consequences of digitalised actions. In the digital society, competent handling of new media, digital shadows, quantified self, big data, platform economies, social bots and bit coins is […]

Energy & Sustainability

The accompanying scientific research is to support the interdepartmental Federal Environment Agency project RTD through networking activities, the participatory elaboration of roadmaps and the organisation of an international conference. Within the framework of the accompanying research, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is responsible for the design of five […]

Innovations & Technologies

The evaluation examined the extent to which the guiding concept for innovation-promoting public procurement (IÖB) established in 2011 has been successfully implemented or whether the corresponding setting enables efficient implementation. The evaluation is based on a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods and has also developed recommendations for further implementation […]

Innovations & Technologies

The study identified and interviewed Berlin-based 3D printing users through an online survey of 3D printing applications and requirements, the potential and expectations of 3D printing, and support needs. Based on the results, in-depth interviews were conducted with selected experts from 3D printing users, 3D printing vendors and academic stakeholders. […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

On behalf of the Coburg Economic Development Agency, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) supports the city in designing a digitization strategy. Expert audits and a workshop will be held to determine the current status of Coburg's digitization and identify concrete measures for further digitization. The results will then […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Medicine & Health

In order to describe the state of development of digital assistance systems and to estimate their contribution with respect to inclusion/diversity, health maintenance and quality of work, the project developed a classification scheme according to the type of support (physical, sensory, cognitive), level of requirement (low, medium, high, variable) and […]

Education & Research, International & Geo Tech Politics

With the Guideline to Promote the Internationalization of Vocational Education and Training, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports companies and education providers in developing and testing sustainable and innovative qualification offerings for the international education and training market. Building on the results of the R&D projects […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Medicine & Health, Mobility

Activities, work content and processes are changing under the influence of digitalisation. This is accompanied by different models of work organisation as well as qualification and competence needs. Although these developments have been dealt with in specialist publications in the recent past, they have hardly been related to each other. […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies

Business start-ups are the basis for growth. Especially the foundation of innovative companies (start-ups) is of great interest for the national economy. In this context, founders often need some support. The Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) examined the supply landscape for start-ups, taking into account the now very extensive […]

Education & Research

In 2010, the Federal Government and the governments of the States provided an important impetus for the development of demand-oriented and needs-based continuing education offerings at universities with the Federal-States-competition 'Advancement by Education: Open Universities'. The aim of INNOVUM-OH is to contribute to maintaining this dynamic and to ensure that […]

In 2017/2018, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) conducted a research study funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the topic of IT governance in international higher education cooperations. The main purpose of the study is to take a closer look at national and […]

Energy & Sustainability

The project supports activities in the portfolio of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) for the programmatic operationalization, implementation and updating of the Integrated Environmental Program (IUP).Aspects of the iit‘s services are analyses of the conditions for success and obstacles to sustainability transformations, […]

Medicine & Health

The cross-sectoral model project Network HealthyAcive ('NetzWerk GesundAktiv, NWGA)' , which was launched as a pilot project in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel under the leadership of the Techniker Krankenkasse, aims to enable people of advanced age and in need of care to live largely self-determined lives in their own homes. Through the networking […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies

The PAiCE (Platforms | Additive Manufacturing | Imaging | Communication | Engineering) technology programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) comprises 15 small and medium sized enterprises (SME) oriented collaborative projects for the transfer of research results into industrial applications. Specialist topics are logistics systems, […]

Mobility, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The aim of the project "Potential Study CityWest" is to develop a systematic and holistic methodology to identify and evaluate possible applications of intelligent mobility technologies in urban test fields - and then to apply them to the selected test field "City West". For this purpose, criteria for the analysis […]

Medicine & Health

The study examines the options for senior citizens in the ongoing digitization of all areas of life. In particular from the perspective of the longest possible independence and participation in society into old age. Together with experts, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) will develop a topic matrix, analyze […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

In this project, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is developing a utilization concept and requirements program for an Innovation and Technology Center Industry 4.0, which directly addresses the declared goal of creating the infrastructural prerequisites for the further development of the Innovation and Technology Center Schöneweide as a […]

Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The medical technology industry, which is characterised by medium-sized companies, is one of the mainstays of the healthcare industry in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region. Accordingly, the regional healthcare industry cluster includes a separate field of activity, medical technology. The aim of the study is to determine the current status of […]

Economy & Labor, Business development

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

On behalf of the HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation, iit has developed a marketing concept for Hamburg as a location for innovation. In the context of an analysis of the current situation and the surrounding area, possible communication contents were identified and potential target groups were named. Based on the […]

Education & Research

For the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) managed an office for a high-caliber expert commission whose mandate included evaluating the funding of research buildings and large-scale equipment at universities. Since 2007 until the end of the project, the federal and […]

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics

On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) evaluates the Austrian funding programme for security research KIRAS. The Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and the Institute for Empirical Social Research (IFES), both located in Vienna, are involved as […]

Education & Research

The Higher Education Pact 2020 with its so-called first pillar is a federal-state program for the admission of additional first-year students at universities in Germany. Within the framework of the Pact, the Federal Government will provide around €20.1 billion between 2007 and 2023 for the expansion of study capacities, while […]

Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies

The funding programme 'ELECTRO POWER II: Electric Mobility – Positioning the Value Chain' is part of a comprehensive package of measures with which the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is implementing the goals set out in the Federal Government's National Development Plan for Electric Mobility of […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

Together with the CIMA Institut für Regionalwirtschaft GmbH, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is developing a systematization of the technological and application potentials of novel adaptive-collaborative autonomous systems, in order to subsequently conduct a corresponding actor and potential analysis of the Hannover Region and an assessment of economic […]

Regional Development & Infrastructure

For the Hamburg Marketing GmbH, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has developed a communication concept for marketing the research and development location of the Hamburg metropolitan region. The communication concept focuses on the exchange and transfer processes between the development, application and marketing of innovative ideas and solutions. […]

Innovations & Technologies, Mobility

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) supports research and technology projects of companies from the aerospace industry in the field of civil and commercial aviation in Germany with loans to limit development risks. Together with its partners, iit has taken on the task of evaluating the […]

Energy & Sustainability, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The project goal is to accompany the further development process for the strategy of the Renewable Energy Cluster Hamburg Cluster Agency (EEHH) for the period from 2016 until 2019 as well as the process definition for the future development and revision of the strategy. The results of the evaluation in […]

Medicine & Health

A holistic and synergetic view of central issues for the people in a digital society is at the heart of the concept development. The primary objective is to use the opportunities offered by digitisation and technological progress to create a modern, empowering and inclusive social space. A social space describes […]

Energy & Sustainability

In the project 'Horizon Scanning 2.0 – Establishment of a Horizon Scanning System', the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) is supported by the Institute for Innovation and Technology (subcontract: adelphi consult GmbH) in implementing a system for identifying and processing topics that will be highly relevant to the work of […]

Energy & Sustainability

On behalf of Climate-KIC Germany, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) provides a structured overview of relevant funding programs for founders of CleanTech companies and makes recommendations on the relevant funding programs. Based on this, the iit provides strategic advice to the client regarding the further development of its […]

Economy & Labor, Business development

The industry is an engine of growth in Germany. It generates almost a quarter of the value added and has contributed to Germany's largely unscathed survival in the international financial crisis. Despite these successes, the industry is confronted with challenges of lack of public acceptance. This is where the iit […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The aim of the research project is to develop smart solutions/guidelines for an intelligent, innovative and affordable design of the technical infrastructures adapted to the Schwerin region and its surroundings. In order to find out what contribution the Internet of Things/Services can make to maintaining (and improving) the quality of […]

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The funding initiative 'Innovative Regional Growth Cores' is part of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Innovation Initiative for the New States 'Unternehmen Region'. Since the programme was launched in 2001, 997 sub-projects in 48 growth cores have been funded. The aim of the programme is to […]

Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health

Against the backdrop of demographic change, the German health insurer Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) intends to develop and implement a cross-carrier and cross-sectoral assistance and care network for older people and their relatives by means of an innovative design and networking of existing care structures, services and actors from the health, […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development

For the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, an interdisciplinary team from the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) is developing a foresight study on the topic of the 'digital working world'. The focus is on a structured analysis of expert opinions and research on new digitally mediated […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The technology program 'Smart Service World - Internet-based services for business' promotes R&D activities that enable innovative ICT-based services. The 20 funded projects are developing prototypical solutions that collect and analyze data on the basis of networked, intelligent technical systems and provide new services via service platforms, app stores and […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

The study for the Association of German Engineers (VDI) aims to provide and analyze empirically based information on engineering education and the implementation of the European study reform in the engineering sciences. Data from the German Federal Statistical Office and data from the Higher Education Compass of the German Rectors' […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development

The study commissioned by the VDI analyses the effects of digitisation on value creation and economic growth as well as on the labour market in Germany based on existing technical literature. It shows the relationship between ICT and economic growth, the effects of Industry 4.0 on value creation and the […]

Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The aim of the potential study was to support the cluster health care industry - Health Capital - in the further development and future design of the technology transfer offer in the field of molecular diagnostics and bioanalytics. Based on the results of an evaluation of the Center for Molecular […]

Innovations & Technologies, Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The project is based on the results of the study 'Support for people in need of care through technical assistance systems' presented at the end of 2013. It provided the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) with initial indications of the extent to which currently existing technical assistance systems are […]

Energy & Sustainability

Within the framework of a service contract for the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt – UBA), adelphi research GmbH and iit are developing a method for in-depth trend analysis to be applied to two dynamically developing topics. The aim is not only to identify trends relevant to environmental policy, but also […]

International & Geo Tech Politics, Regional Development & Infrastructure

Cluster and network policy has been gaining increasing importance in North Africa since the Arab Spring. This is also the case in Libya, which already addressed the topic of cluster development together with Michael Porter (Harvard Business School) in 2006. The iit's CLUSLIB project continues this work consistently and has […]

Education & Research

In the summer of 2005, the German federal and state governments adopted the Excellence Initiative as a comprehensive funding program for German science. Within the framework of an independent evaluation of the Excellence Initiative, which was carried out by an international commission of experts, the iit was commissioned with the […]

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

Within the framework of the evaluation carried out by the iit together with the Centre for Regional and Innovation Economics (CRIE) at the University of Bremen, the central cluster policy measure of the Free State of Bavaria, the Cluster Offensive, is being examined with regard to its effectiveness, efficiency and […]

Medicine & Health, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Bioanalytics (ZMDB) was founded in 2009 as a platform for technology transfer. The aim was to promote the development and production of innovative diagnostics in the Berlin-Brandenburg health region during a five-year funding period. Within the scope of the evaluation, the success and development […]

Energy & Sustainability, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The Hamburg Renewable Energy Cluster is analyzed on the basis of the evaluation and benchmarking system jointly developed for all eight Hamburg clusters and cluster policies. The evaluation focuses on member satisfaction analysis to assess the range of services offered and the development of future services by the cluster management. […]

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics

Demand-driven or user-driven: What is the difference and how can it be promoted through policy intervention at the regional level? The project was implemented in the context of the European Creative Industry Alliance and suggested a “Perfect Programme” for the promotion of the creative industry based on demand as well […]

Innovations & Technologies

Through the merging of two already existing networks in Thuringia, the project aims to increase visibility and performance – also beyond the borders of Thuringia. This should also strengthen the perception and influence of the cluster on the economic and political level. With the merger, the players want to drive […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies

In the scientific accompanying research of the technology program Autonomics for Industry 4.0, the projects of the funding program are supported, among other things by working on cross-sectional topics, networking with the Industry 4.0 platform, accompanying the exploitation and transfer of results and several short studies. The aim is to […]

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The aim of the project was to examine the effectiveness and performance of the funding provided to date and, building on this, to bring together existing funding instruments in an overall strategy. Recommendations for cluster policy were derived, which show the way to a sustainable and efficient use of funding […]

Education & Research, Medicine & Health

The food industry is the fourth largest industrial sector in Germany with 555,000 employees in about 6,000 companies. In addition to a few large corporations, food is produced primarily by a large number of small and medium-sized companies: about 95 percent of the companies in the food industry employ less […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Energy & Sustainability, Innovations & Technologies

The Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) evaluated the ELEKTRO POWER funding programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) from 2013 until 2016. With this programme, the BMWi aimed in particular to promote new production technologies and processes in the battery sector and in lightweight […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

The objective of the ELIAS joint project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is to develop new approaches and concepts, taking into account the accelerated technological and demographic change, in order to design modern work and production systems in a way that is […]

Education & Research, Regional Development & Infrastructure

Based on the imminent expansion of the mechanical engineering campus of the University of Hannover located in Garbsen, the iit has been commissioned by the Hannover Region to investigate the future development possibilities of the location. In interaction with the Science and Technology Park, which is located about 2 km […]

Education & Research

The National Report on Junior Scholars (Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs - BuWiN) is an independent, scientific report on the situation of young researchers in Germany, which primarily examines the qualifications, career paths and career prospects of doctoral students and postdocs. The report has been published once per legislative period since 2008. […]

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics, Regional Development & Infrastructure

In the course of the programming of the Structural Funds funding period 2014 – 2020, a consensual, legally secure and efficient concept for the joint financing of the cluster policy of the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg is being developed. In addition to the organisation of the development process, […]

Regional Development & Infrastructure

The evaluation of the Maritime Cluster North Germany applied the evaluation and benchmarking system, which is uniform for all eight Hamburg clusters and cluster policies, to examine the performance, effectiveness and sustainability of the Maritime Cluster North Germany and the associated cluster policy approaches. This was supplemented by a cluster […]

Education & Research

The aim of the accompanying research project 'Exchange of Experience and Integration' is to expand the knowledge base on the topic of public-private partnerships and to promote the dialogue between the funded research campuses, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), politics and the interested public. In the […]

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

In the study carried out by iit together with Rambøll and evers & jung, the implementation of the cluster project is evaluated by ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH (ZAB). For this purpose, the organisational structures and processes of the cluster project are examined for effectiveness and efficiency. The focus will also be […]

Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies

Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT) are exciting professional fields with excellent prospects for highly qualified engineers. Nevertheless, there are still too few women pursuing a scientific MINT career. Within the framework of the 'VDE MINT Academy' project, the VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies is […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Mobility

With the help of the Cluster Impact Analysis, answers to the following questions can be found: To what extent do companies in networks and clusters benefit? In which areas do the companies benefit most? Can the goals that the companies hope to achieve through participation and involvement in the cluster […]

Education & Research

In the largely unregulated continuing education sector, which is organized according to market economy principles, one segment of continuing vocational training occupies a special position. These are the vocational further training qualifications, which are uniformly regulated nationwide by further training regulations according to § 53 BBiG and § 42 HwO. […]

International & Geo Tech Politics, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The aim of the study was to work out the particular challenges of clusters in the creative and cultural sector and to develop a practicable evaluation and benchmarking tool on this basis. Despite the great heterogeneity of clusters in the creative industries, it was possible to develop a practice-oriented instrument […]

Innovations & Technologies

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technology, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) in cooperation with other experts carried out the evaluation of the aviation research program. An essential task within the scope of this assignment was to develop an indicator-based, sector-specific evaluation system for […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

The IGF programme is supported by the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) as administrative assistant of the former German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology. The extended performance review (evaluation) checked whether the purpose of the programme, the support of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in research […]

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics

In the course of an ex post analysis of the MNT-ERA.NET II (2009-2001) program, insights were gained into the strengths and weaknesses of the program. The focus was on an impact analysis as well as a needs assessment of the partner countries so that the successor program could be better […]

Education & Research

Lifelong learning and further education are important building blocks for the professional success and personal development of each individual. Against this background, the BMBF has developed two different measures to support particularly gifted individuals in their professional or academic further education: The program 'Support for the Gifted – Vocational Training - […]

Medicine & Health

In the project, which was carried out jointly by IEGUS GmbH, VDI/VDE-IT and the University of Konstanz, concepts for finding and retaining skilled workers in care SMEs were systematised, evaluated and documented. The consideration was supplemented by an analysis of the development of skilled workers in the care sector. The […]

Education & Research

The aim of the initiative is to promote measures for the transition from vocational to higher education. With this initiative, the BMBF is building on the results of the predecessor project ANKOM - Crediting of Vocational Competences to University Studies. In the ANKOM - Transitions project, the scientific support provided […]

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics, Regional Development & Infrastructure

Together with dsn, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) has developed a uniform evaluation and benchmarking system for all 8 Hamburg clusters that will be used in future evaluations. In an open and transparent process involving numerous stakeholders from business, science and politics, an implementation-oriented system was developed. A […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the start-up competition - IKT Innovativ is monitored and evaluated. It is based on the evaluation of process data from the competition procedure and supplementary surveys of participants and relevant comparison groups. The benefits for the competition […]

Education & Research, Innovations & Technologies

As part of the analysis phase, a structured overview of the existing competences of qualification opportunities and institutions (training, further education, universities) in the maritime sector in Hamburg was compiled for the Ministry of Economic and Labour Affairs of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Based on these results, […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

Using the example of two funding programs (ExzellenzTandem and Research Assistance) of the Senate Department for Science, Technology and Women's Issues of the State of Berlin, the increase in knowledge among the participating companies was surveyed. The levels of knowledge growth were recorded and evaluated in personal and telephone interviews […]

Energy & Sustainability

On behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency UBA, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) evaluated the Environmental Protection Coordination Office (KU) at DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. The main tasks of the KU are to regularly review national and international draft standards and standards from the […]

Education & Research

The task of the study is to develop questions and starting points based on analyses, needs assessments, scenarios, concept reviews, etc., which provide a framework and input for a comprehensive evaluation of the two measures 'Support for the Gifted - Vocational Training' and 'Advancement Scholarships' as instruments of the German […]

Energy & Sustainability, Regional Development & Infrastructure

The Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) within the VDI/VDE-IT has prepared an action-oriented potential analysis for the Economic Development Agency Dortmund within the framework of the 'Efficiency Initiative' with the aim of positioning Dortmund as a business and technology location in the market for future technologies that promote efficiency. […]

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

On behalf of the Ministry of Science, Economics and Transport of the German State of Schleswig-Holstein (MWV), the three cluster management of the food industry (foodRegio), the maritime industry (Maritime Cluster Schleswig-Holstein) and the information and communication and media industry (DiWiSH) were evaluated together with dsn. The promotion of cluster […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence, Innovations & Technologies

The accompanying research concept complements the overarching evaluations of the High-Tech Strategy by the Expert Commission for Research and Innovation (EFI), the Research Union as well as individual evaluations of measures of the High-Tech Strategy such as individual funding programs. The analysis of the High-Tech Strategy's fields of innovation and […]

Innovations & Technologies, International & Geo Tech Politics

As a basis for a strategy discourse, the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) carried out an assessment of the position of the innovation player R&D Maroc in Morocco in spring/summer 2008. The aim was to analyze the 10-year history and development of this association and to work out future […]

Education & Research

The symposium, part of the initiative 'Acceptance of vocational skills in higher education study programmes' of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, linked experiences from work and higher education in the context of permeability and recognition from an innovation policy, work and professional world perspective. The symposium followed […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

The project 'ExcellenceTandem' implemented the idea of scientific further education for medium-sized companies and specifically supported the formation of tandems between employees from innovative technology-oriented Berlin companies and diploma or master graduates of Beuth University. Tandems were also initiated at the doctoral level, in which employees from Berlin companies were […]

Energy & Sustainability, International & Geo Tech Politics

The evaluation of the export initiative on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) had the task of analyzing the export situation in the renewable energy sector, determining the effectiveness of the initiative and deriving recommendations for improvements. According to these objectives, the evaluation included […]

Education & Research

The starting point of the project is the importance of a cross-sectoral perspective on the area of scientific and technical education, which is extremely important for Germany's innovative ability. The aim of the project is to highlight the outstanding importance of technical education for the German innovation system, to stimulate […]

Innovations & Technologies

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the implementation of the development and test projects in the eleven collaborative projects is analyzed, the coherence of the individual projects within the overall program is ensured and the project results are evaluated for rapid dissemination to […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

As part of STARegio initiative in the metropolitan regions of Hanover, Braunschweig and Göttingen/Kassel, a study was conducted to determine the demand for skilled workers and the current training situation of companies in the new technologies microsystems technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology and optical technologies and their fields of application. The objective […]

Innovations & Technologies, Regional Development & Infrastructure

In the summer of 2005, the VDI/VDE-IT, as the project management agency of the Bavarian Information and Communications Technology Support Programme, began a comprehensive analysis of the support program on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology. The analysis was intended to provide indications of the […]

Education & Research

The central tasks of the scientific support, which is a cooperation partnership between the German Centre for Higher Education and Science Research (DZHW) and the iit, are to provide advice and information to the eleven development projects that are part of the BMBF initiative and to evaluate processes and results […]

Education & Research

The project consisted of the development of the concept and the realisation of the conference as well as the subsequent documentation of the conference results in form of a book publication. Against the backdrop of demographic change, the contributions and discussions focused on issues relating to the increased integration of […]

Innovations & Technologies

As part of the accompanying measures InnovuM of the Microsystems Framework Programme of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), an internal, formative evaluation has also been implemented by the VDI/VDE-IT since 2004 (until Dec. 2007). The objectives of this evaluation are the timely support of program management […]

Economy & Labor, Business development

The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, project financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi), the VDI/VDE-IT was assigned the management of the evaluation secretariat and the technical support of the commission entrusted with the evaluation. The focus of the project was the […]

Innovations & Technologies

The research programme 'Shipping and Marine Technology for the 21st Century' of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research was evaluated together with Prognos AG. A central task was to develop an orientation for the redesign of a successor program directly after the evaluation, based on the evaluation results […]

Regional Development & Infrastructure

The VDI/VDE-IT, as the project management agency of the MST Bavaria support program, began a comprehensive analysis of the support program in the summer of 2003 on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology. The analysis was intended to provide indications of the extent to which […]

Digitisation & Artificial Intelligence

For the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the multimedia start-up competition is accompanied and evaluated. The basis is the evaluation of process data from the competition procedure as well as supplementary surveys of participants and relevant comparison groups. The benefits for the competition arise in several […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

The project was intended to support companies in the chemical industry, employees in the sector and providers of further education in making the further education system in the chemical industry and thus Germany's position as a base for the chemical industry successful and competitive in the future. The CIWES project […]

Education & Research

The task was a subtask of the long-standing Innovum project within the MST programme and included the supra-regional coordination of the nationwide education and training network for microsystems technology, which consists of six regional networks. The aim of the network is to bring together players from universities, colleges, industry, small […]

Economy & Labor, Business development, Education & Research

On behalf of the Working Group for Research in Continuing Education (ABWF), which as the project management agency implements the Learning Culture Competence Development program, two projects have already been carried out in the program area Learning in the Process of Work (LiPA). From 2001 to 2003, the project 'Personnel […]