Dr. Christin Brings
Focus of work
- international comparison researches of vocational education and training and capacity building in SMEs
- Qualification and labour market research and evaluation
- Work & Industry 4.0, digitalization of VET and education
- qualification management, organizational development
- counselling of career guidance & continuing education
- Qualification and labour market research in the field of emerging technology and innovation fields (national/international)
- Networking/cooperation for innovation and technology, economic development (international)
Curriculum vitae
After her study of Education sciences with main focus of the “qualification management and organizational development”, social sciences and psychology at the University of Duisburg-Essen she graduated as Dr. phil. in context of a comparison of vocational education systems with main focus of learning places, structures and cooperation between school, enterprise and government between Germany and Korea. She worked as research fellow at the BIBB (German Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training) as well as research counsellor for the HRD Services of Korea, a subsidy of Korea Ministry of Labour and Employment, responsible for international qualification and labour market research and development of VET qualifications at national level. Her particular competencies are:
- researches of VET and qualifications at national and international level
- conception, implementation and evaluation of projects with the special focus on educational and labour market features at national and international level
- counselling of career guidance, recognition of foreign qualifications
- research on innovations and its influence on labour and qualifications
- national and international networking for educational and economic cooperation
Teaching assignments
- Quality managements and evaluation in the vocational education and training
- A system approach of dual vocational education and training in Germany (Korea University of Technology and Education)