Cornelia van Scherpenberg

"Excellent research needs an excellent framework. Good career conditions, an open knowledge culture and the digital transformation will secure a research hub now and in future."

Focus of work

  • Career and personnel development in research organizations
  • Digital transformation in education, research and administration
  • Knowledge transfer between research, politics and the public
  • Evidence-based policy advice

Curriculum vitae

Cornelia van Scherpenberg studied General and Cognitive Linguistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. At the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the University of Leipzig she wrote her dissertation on language and perception in neurotypical individuals and people with acquired language impairment. Next to her research, she was committed to good career conditions in research as deputy spokesperson of the Max Planck Society's PhD network and board member of the non-university PhD network N2. As a member of the think tank #FactoryWisskomm and the Crisis Science Project, she advised the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research on national strategies for science communication and evidence-based policy advice. She has been contributing her expertise on scientific careers, open science and data culture as a research associate at the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) since 2022.


Régent, Verena; Ecker, Brigitte; Sardadvar, Sascha; Wagner, Valentin; Grund, Martin; van Scherpenberg, Cornelia (2023): Evaluierung des LBG OIS Centers und des LGB Career Centers (Projektbericht)
Berr, Katharina; Broer, Irene; Feldner, Denise; Harmsen, Tjorven; Schöppl, Noah; Sokolovska, Nataliia; van Scherpenberg, Cornelia; Staemmler, Johannes; Wagner, Nick; Walter, Clarissa; Zoth, Lisa (2022): Der Crisis Science Hub: Krisenresilienz stärken durch systematische Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung
Berr, Katharina; Feldner, Denise; Harmsen, Tjorven; Schöppl, Noah; Sokolovska, Nataliia; van Scherpenberg, Cornelia; Staemmler, Johannes; Wagner, Nick; Walter, Clarissa; Zoth, Lisa (2022): Ergebnisse aus dem Crisis Science Project CRISP
van Scherpenberg, Cornelia; Bultema, Lindsey; Jahn, Anja; Löffler, Michaela; Minneker, Vera; Lasser, Jana (2021): Manifestations of power abuse in academia and how to prevent them