Dirk Kautz, PhD

'Start-ups in the life sciences with long development times, large financial requirements and high risk face particular challenges. We support their development to market.'

Focus of work

  • Startups
  • Business models and venture capital financing
  • Life sciences
  • Medical technology
  • Artificial intelligence

Curriculum vitae

Dirk Kautz has been supporting and advising start-up projects and start-ups in the life sciences at the iit on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 2021. He is responsible for a central BMBF funding programme for the transfer of research results (GO-Bio next) and organises transfer-related training events. He previously gained relevant experience as head of a life science accelerator, consultant and co-founder of several start-ups. He has worked in marketing and corporate development in the medical technology industry. Dirk Kautz is a physicist with a PhD in neuroscience.

