Dr. Nicolas Winterhager
"Universities are at the core of our knowledge society, and all activities in university research as well as, teaching and innovation rely on the dedication of (excellent) scientists. Against this backdrop, I investigate university funding mechanisms and university governance at the iit. Further, I analyse career development and labour markets for young researchers."
Focus of work
- Higher education and schience politics
- Funding of higher education and governance
- Academic training and career development of early career researchers
- Statistics in science and higher education
- Social research methods
Curriculum vitae
Nicolas Winterhager has worked at VDI/VDE-IT since March 2014 and is head of the science and humanities section since July 2018. At the iit, he worked in projects such as "National Report on Junior Scholars (BuWiN)", "Secretariat of the International Commission of Experts for the Evaluation of the Excellence Initiative“ and "Study of the impact of the Higher Education Pact“. Previously, Nicolas was employed at the University of Kassel (2009-2014) as a junior researcher at the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER) and at the Economic Policy Research Group.
Winterhager, Nicolas; Birner, Nadine; Krabel, Stefan; Mozhova, Anastasia; Shajek, Alexandra; Breitbach, Michael; Lüthje, Jürgen (2018): Untersuchung der Auswirkungen des Hochschulpakts 2020
Winterhager, Nicolas; Birner, Nadine; Krabel, Stefan; Shajek, Allexandra; Breitbach, Michael; Lüthje, Jürgen (2017): Untersuchung der Auswirkungen des Hochschulpakts 2020, Abschlussbericht / Kurzfassung. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Hrsg.).
Winterhager, Nicolas; Birner, Nadine; Bogenstahl, Christoph; Krabel, Stefan (2017): Bestand, Arbeits-und Beschäftigungsbedingungen des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Promotionsphase (Begleitstudie B1).
Krabel, Stefan; Winterhager, Nicolas; Shajek, Alexandra; Lindow, Ina; Birner, Nadine (2017): Bundesbericht Wíssenschaftlicher Nachwuchs 2017. Konsortium Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs (Hrsg.).