'Efficiency Initiative' of the City of Dortmund
The Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) within the VDI/VDE-IT has prepared an action-oriented potential analysis for the Economic Development Agency Dortmund within the framework of the 'Efficiency Initiative' with the aim of positioning Dortmund as a business and technology location in the market for future technologies that promote efficiency. Based on a well-founded location analysis involving relevant stakeholders from business and science, four main topics - energy, resources, mobility, simulation - were identified which build on the strengths of the Dortmund corporate and university landscape. In addition, the VDI/VDE-IT conducted a benchmarking of the city of Dortmund with top regions in detail (Stuttgart, Munich, Baden-Württemberg and Hamburg), with direct competitors in the Rhineland/Ruhr area and technology-driven initiatives in order to position Dortmund thematically and perspectively in the environment of potential competitors. The VDI/VDE-IT was guided by the current results of cluster research and paid special attention to the fact that the location has companies along the entire value chain as well as founders for the respective focal topic.
January 2009 until September 2010
Economic Development of the City of Dortmund