Evaluation of the funding programme Microsystems Technology Bavaria
The VDI/VDE-IT, as the project management agency of the MST Bavaria support program, began a comprehensive analysis of the support program in the summer of 2003 on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology. The analysis was intended to provide indications of the extent to which the goals of the program had been achieved and how successful the program's instruments had been in the past. In addition, it was analyzed which changes and priorities, if any, should be made in the new program. The aim of the program analysis was thus to enable the client to assess the effectiveness of the funding provided so far in the context of Bavarian technology policy and to provide starting points for a future adaptation of the program to changing conditions and technology trends. The analysis was based on a questionnaire survey of all participants and selected interviews.
July 2003 until February 2004
Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology