National Report on Junior Scholars 2017 (BuWiN 2017)

The National Report on Junior Scholars (Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs - BuWiN) is an independent, scientific report on the situation of young researchers in Germany, which primarily examines the qualifications, career paths and career prospects of doctoral students and postdocs. The report has been published once per legislative period since 2008. The next edition is expected to be presented to the German Bundestag in 2017.

The aim of BuWiN is to prepare and evaluate the existing findings and data on young scholars in Germany. The aim is to create empirical basic knowledge for science, relevant steering knowledge for the federal and state governments, scientific institutions and funding organisations, and orientation knowledge for the young scientists themselves.

The report is being prepared by an independent scientific consortium consisting of scientists from relevant institutions of higher education research in Germany. The preparation of the report is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


December 2013 - November 2017