Pre-study comprehensive evaluation of the BMBF's support for the gifted in the programme 'Professionally gifted people'

The task of the study is to develop questions and starting points based on analyses, needs assessments, scenarios, concept reviews, etc., which provide a framework and input for a comprehensive evaluation of the two measures 'Support for the Gifted - Vocational Training' and 'Advancement Scholarships' as instruments of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to support the gifted in the 'Gifted and Talented' programme. Both measures belong to the Federal Government's qualification initiative 'Advancement by Education' and are managed by the Bonn-based 'Stiftung Begabtenförderungswerk berufliche Bildung gGmbH (SBB)'. The aim is to prepare the state of the art in research on the promotion of gifted young people, with special attention to the aspect of financing, to such an extent that a systematic classification of the interaction of the various individual measures allows conclusions to be drawn about the specifics of the BMBF's 'Promotion of the Gifted by Education' and 'Advancement Scholarships' programmes. The aim is to find answers to the questions of what distinguishes these programs and in what respects they differ from previous approaches to promoting the gifted.


August 2009 until January 2010


German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)