Scientific Support of the Initiative 'ANKOM Crediting of Vocational Competences on University Courses of Study' of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
The central tasks of the scientific support, which is a cooperation partnership between the German Centre for Higher Education and Science Research (DZHW) and the iit, are to provide advice and information to the eleven development projects that are part of the BMBF initiative and to evaluate processes and results in relation to the projects. Within the scientific support of the project, the iit is explicitly responsible for the development projects of the technical clusters engineering sciences and information technology and the technical professions and courses of study involved. The aim of the evaluation of results is to develop a frame of reference for the crediting of professional competences to university courses of study and thus to promote the implementation of a quality assured procedure. The objectives of the scientific support are the development of an overarching frame of reference for the crediting of professionally and informally acquired competences to higher education courses of study, which corresponds to the quality standards of the higher education sector, the development of a recommendation for action for higher education institutions, for vocational and scientific education and for education policy.
October 2005 until Juni 2011
Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH (HIS) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)