Dr. Axel Mangelsdorf
„In the 21st century, standards are increasingly becoming more and more important for the promotion of innovation. Our contributions at the iit show the role of standards for the transfer of ideas from science and academics to society and how they are imbedded within a progressive funding policy. “
Focus of work
- Innovation research and Innovation indicators
- Standards and standardization
- Knowledge and technology transfer
- Public innovation promotion
Curriculum vitae
Axel Mangelsdorf studied economics in Berlin and Montreal and completed his doctoral dissertation in innovation economics at the Technical University Berlin. He worked as consultant and research fellow for the World Bank and World Trade Organization. Since 2017 he works at the VDI/VDE-IT mainly in standards and standardization related projects.
Ernst A. Hartmann (Hrsg.); Jan Büscher; Deuse, Jochen; Fabian Diehr; Luca Dörr; Froese, Julia; Gabriel, Peter; Lene Ganschow; Isabelle Gauger; Huber, Marco; Kraus, Tom; Künzel, Matthias; Claudia Lehmann; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Tobias Nagel; Thorben Panusch; Hofmann, Annelie; Ute Schmid; Thomas Seul; Straub, Sebastian; Christian Wirth; Nicole Wittenbrink; Stefan Voget; René Wöstmann (2021): Digitalisierung souverän gestalten II
Peters, Robert; Bovenschulte, Marc; Klaus Burmeister; Ehrenberg-Silies, Simone; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Nerger, Michael; Zinke, Guido (2021): Pandemiebedingte Veränderungen für Gesellschaft und Innovation in Deutschland
Mangelsdorf, Axel; Gabriel, Peter; Weimer, Martin (2021): Die Zertifizierung von KI: Mehr Sicherheit für alle – oder unnötiger Ballast?
Wangler, Leo; Kreibich, Miriam; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Rodriguez, Karoline (2020): Evaluation des BMWi-Förderprogrammes "BMWi-Innovationsgutscheine (go-Inno)"
Mangelsdorf, Axel; Kreibich, Miriam; Kudernatsch, Wilhelmine; Brunnlieb, Claudia; Heinze, Lars; Boysen, Mathias (2019): Besser messen, besser kommunizieren und besser fördern
Mangelsdorf, Axel; Weiler, Petra (2019): Normung und Standardisierung für Smart Services – Ein Leitfaden
Mangelsdorf, Axel (2019): „Smart Services in der industriellen Anwendung". In: IM+io, März 2019. S. 62ff.
Apt, Wenke; Botthof, Alfons; Bovenschulte, Marc; Dwertmann, Anne; Ferdinand, Jan-Peter; Gabriel, Peter; Katrin Gaßner; Hartmann, Ernst Andreas; Kappel, Marcel; Kirste, Moritz; Krumm, Stephan; Krune, Edgar; Lutze, Maxie; Mah, Dana-Kristin; Otto, Stephan; Paulicke, Prisca; Priesack, Kai; Rohde, Marieke; Schmalz, Antonia; Schürholz, Markus; Spitzner, Eike-Christian; Stubbe, Julian; Thielicke, Robert; Waldburger, Martin; Wangler, Leo; Wessels, Jan; Wilsch, Benjamin; Wischmann, Steffen; Zinke, Guido; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Büching, Corinne (2018): Künstliche Intelligenz. Technologie – Anwendung – Gesellschaft
von Engelhardt, Sebastian; Ensthaler, Jürgen; Gieschen, Jan-Hinrich; Haase, Martin S.; Liebchen, Tilman; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Petzolt, Stefan; Rifai, Haifa; Schweitzer, Heike; Seidel, Uwe; Seifert, Inessa; Weiler, Petra; Wischmann, Steffen (2018): SMART SERVICE WELT INNOVATIONSBERICHT 2018
Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Pohlisch, Jakob (2018): The effects of cooperation in accreditation on international trade: Empirical evidence on ISO 9000 certifications. In: International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 198. S. 50-59.
Niebel, Crispin; Ramel, Florian; Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2018): Standards in the global value chains of the European Single Market. In: Review of International Political Economy. Vol. 25, No. 1. S. 28-48.
Ehrich, Malte; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2018): The role of private standards for manufactured food exports from developing countries. In: World Development. Vol. 101, S. 16-27.
Haneda, Sho; Ijiri, Naohiko; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2016): Standards and International Trade between Japan and the European Union. The International Conference of the Association of Korean Economic Studies (2015).
Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Ramel, Florian (2015): The Effects of Standards on Value Chains and Trade in Europe.
Mangelsdorf, Axel; Schulte, F. L. (2015): Die Rolle der Normung bei der Umsetzung der Ökodesign-Richtlinie. In: DIN-Mitteilungen, Vol. 3. S. 26-27.
Haneda, S.; Ijiri, N.; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2015): The Role of Private Standards for Manufactured Food Exports from Developing Countries.
Ferro, Esteban; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Wilson, John (2014): The Trade Impact of European Regulatory Standards for Developing Countries. European Trade Study Group 2014 (Draft).
Mangelsdorf, Axel; Tolksdorf, Michel (2014): Explaining Differences in Compliance with Food Standards: Evidence from the International Featured Standard. 19th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference Cooperation among standardisation organisations and the scientific and academic community (Belgrad, Serbia).
De Souza, Taynah Lopes; Peuckert, Jan; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2014): Infraestructura de la calidad e innovación. In: J. Goncalves et al. (Hrsg.). Midiendo el impacto de la infraestructura de la calidad en América Latina: experiencias, alcances y limitaciones. S. 25-32.
Denkler, Tilman; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2013): Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der akkreditierten Zertifizierung.
Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Wilson, John (2013): 12 Mutual Recognition of Accreditation: Does it Matter to Trade? Evidence from the Food, Beverage, and Tobacco Industry. In: Beghin, J.C. (Hrsg.). Nontariff Measures with Market Imperfections: Trade and Welfare Implications (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Vol. 12). S. 291-310.
Mangelsdorf, Axel (2013): Sustainability and Technical Barriers to Trade. Environmental Standards as Technical Barriers to Trade?
Blind, Knut; De Vries, Henk; van der Zwann, Jappe ; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Verheul, Hugo (2013): Cómo mejorar el acceso de las pymes a las normas. In: AENOR: Revista de la normalización y la certificación, No. 281. S. 43-47.
Portugal-Perez, Alberto ; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Wilson, John (2012): Food standards and exports: Evidence for China. In: World Trade Review. Vol. 11, No. 3. S. 507-526.
Blind, Knut; de Vries, Hugo; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2012): External knowledge sourcing and involvement in standardization - Evidence from the community innovation survey. In: International Technology Management Conference, 2012. S. 1-9.
Mangelsdorf, Axel; Portugal-Perez, Alberto ; Wilson, John (2012): Do better standards facilitate exports? Evidence from China. In: Malouche, Mariem & Cadot, Olivier (Hrsg.). Non-tariff measures: a fresh look at trade Policy's new frontier. S. 141-154.
Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2012): Alliance Formation of SMEs: Empirical Evidence From Standardization Committees. In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 60, No. 1. S. 148-156.
Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2012): The Trade Impact of ISO 9000: Certifications and International Cooperation in Accreditation.
Blind, Knut; Jungmittag, Andre; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2011): Der gesamtwirtschaftliche Nutzen der Normung. Eine Aktualisierung der DIN-Studie aus dem Jahr 2000. DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. (Hrsg.).
Blind, Knut; de Vries, Hugo; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2011): Openness for innovation and involvement in standardization: evidence from the community innovation survey. In: Fomin, Vladislav & Jakobs, Kai (Hrsg.). EURAS Proceedings 2011 - Standards for Development: 16th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference (EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research)
Blind, Knut; de Vries, Hugo; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2009): SME access to European standardization -Enabling small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve greater benefit from standards and from involvement in standardization. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
Schmiele, Anja; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2008): Drivers of International R&D to Asian Economies.
Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel (2008): Dienstleistungsstandards in Internationalisierungsstrategien: Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung et al. (Hrsg.).