Dr. Jochen Kerbusch
Focus of work
- (autonomous) sensor technology
- industry 4.0
- Fabrication and characterization of micro/nanostructures
- Nanoelectronics (molecular electronics, 1D-/2D-materials)
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Jochen Kerbusch studied physics at the University of Konstanz, where he also received his doctorate in physics. The topic of the dissertation was experimental work on electronic transport properties of nanostructures. He then spent several years as a postdoc at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, where he was responsible for electron beam lithography and conducted research in the field of nanoelectronics. Since the beginning of 2015, he has been a research associate at the Dresden office of VDI/VDE-IT. In this context, he supervises funding projects in the field of electronics and microsystems and is responsible for the measures "KMU-innovativ: Elektronik und autonomes Fahren" and "Forschung für neue Mikroelektronik (ForMikro)". Since the end of 2019, he has been a member of Expert Committee 4.3 "Sensors and Sensor Systems" of the VDE/VDI Society for Microelectronics, Microsystems and Precision Engineering.