Julia Froese
"Legally secure design is essential not only for contracts under private law, but also for government regulation in particular. Legal certainty and thus trust in the law and its enforcement are prerequisites for innovation and development."
Focus of work
- Science System
- Higher Education Law
- Digital sovereignty in the economy
- Legal design
Curriculum vitae
Julia Froese has been a research associate at iit in the VDI/VDE-IT since October 2018. There, she focuses on issues related to higher education governance and higher education development as well as the legal aspects of education, science, and digital sovereignty.
Ernst A. Hartmann (Hrsg.); Jan Büscher; Deuse, Jochen; Fabian Diehr; Luca Dörr; Froese, Julia; Gabriel, Peter; Lene Ganschow; Isabelle Gauger; Huber, Marco; Kraus, Tom; Künzel, Matthias; Claudia Lehmann; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Tobias Nagel; Thorben Panusch; Hofmann, Annelie; Ute Schmid; Thomas Seul; Straub, Sebastian; Christian Wirth; Nicole Wittenbrink; Stefan Voget; René Wöstmann (2021): Digitalisierung souverän gestalten II
Ernst A. Hartmann (Hrsg.); Bertini, Anastasia; Deuse, Jochen; Dirzus, Dagmar; Dispan, Jürgen; Demitrescu, Roman; Eiling, Florian; Froese, Julia; Hadwich, Karsten; Huber, Marco; Joecks-Laß, Denise; Ködding, Patrick; Kropp, Cordula; Künzel, Matthias; Hofmann, Annelie; Reckelkamm, Thorsten; Straub, Sebastian; Vogt, Roland; Wortmeier, Ann-Kathrin (2020): Digitalisierung souverän gestalten
Bertini, Anastasia; Froese, Julia; Gross, Philipp; Tödt, Katia; Hartmann, Ernst Andreas (2020): Die Rolle und das Potenzial von Hochschulen für Innovationen und Gründungen im EdTech-Bereich