Miriam Kreibich
"What we need today are strategies to make business, science and other actors in the innovation process open to new ideas and forms of partnerships. Only by doing so can we break down barriers to innovation and strengthen knowledge transfer.”
Focus of work
- Social Innovations
- Innovation management and knowledge and technology transfer
- Participative processes and instruments
- Research and technology marketing
Curriculum vitae
Miriam Kreibich is a research associate at the iit and has been deputy head of the "Society and Innovation" department of the VDI/VDE-IT since 2016, focusing on innovation policy, social innovations and transfer. From 2010 to 2012, she was an advisor to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the department "New Instruments and Programmes for Innovation Promotion". Miriam Kreibich studied Sociology and Eastern European Studies at the Free University of Berlin. Before her studies, she was a freelance entrepreneur and editor. Miriam Kreibich is a member of the Science Press Conference. She has also worked for several years as an expert for the European Research Council in the context of the "Proof of Concept Grant" evaluation.
Bergmann, Malte; Creemers, Niklas; Kreibich, Miriam; Thiem, Carolin; Schweigel, Henry; Stadermann, Julia (2024): Soziale Innovationen fördern
Bergmann, Malte; Creemers, Niklas; Kreibich, Miriam; Thiem, Carolin; Schweigel, Henry; Stadermann, Julia (2024): Fostering Social Innovations
Howaldt, Jürgen; Kreibich, Miriam; Streicher, Jürgen; Thiem, Carolin (2022): Zukunft gestalten mit Sozialen Innovationen
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Hrsg.) (2022): Sozialinnovator:innen fördern. Ein Praxishandbuch für die öffentliche Verwaltung zur Unterstützung von Sozialinnovator:innen und Sozialunternehmen
Wangler, Leo; Kreibich, Miriam; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Rodriguez, Karoline (2020): Evaluation des BMWi-Förderprogrammes "BMWi-Innovationsgutscheine (go-Inno)"
Mangelsdorf, Axel; Kreibich, Miriam; Kudernatsch, Wilhelmine; Brunnlieb, Claudia; Heinze, Lars; Boysen, Mathias (2019): Besser messen, besser kommunizieren und besser fördern
Kauffeld-Monz, Martina; Kreibich, Miriam; Huber, Monika (2019): Soziale Innovationen in der Sozial- und Gesundheitswirtschaft. In: Becher, Berthold und Hastedt, Ingrid (Hrsg.). Innovative Unternehmen der Sozial- und Gesundheitswirtschaft. Sozialwirtschaft innovativ. S. 209-250.