Dr. Peggy Kelterborn

"Diverse perspectives are a key source of creative and innovative ideas that promise sustainable economic success. Therefore, it is necessary to promote diversity in politics, business, science and civil society."

Focus of work

  • Capacity building, diversity and creativity
  • Start-ups, innovation and industrial economics
  • Trend analyses, foresight and technology foresight
  • Digitisation of education and the economy
  • Evaluation of research, technology and innovation policy

Curriculum vitae

After her IHK training and professional activity in the financial sector, Peggy Kelterborn studied business education in Germany and Finland. Afterwards she completed her doctorate as a DFG scholarship holder within the framework of the international research training group "The Economics of Innovative Change" in Germany and Denmark. Afterwards she did research and teaching as a post-doc at the Technical University of Ilmenau. Since March 2019, Dr. Peggy Kelterborn has been scientific advisor at the Insitute for Innovation and Technology (iit).


Arnold-Triangeli, Linda; Birner, Nadine; Busch-Heizmann, Anne; Johnsen, Doris; Kelterborn, Peggy; Maschke, Mira; Sprung, Christoph (2023): Wie Unternehmen den wachsenden Bedarf an Fachkräften in der europäischen Batteriezellfertigung decken können
Wangler, Leo ; Kelterborn, Peggy ; Kerlen, Christiane ; Kind, Sonja ; Wessels, Jan ; Robeck, Martin (2022): Trendbarometer junge Digitalwirtschaft 2022. Kurzstudie zum Gründungswettbewerb – Digitale Innovationen.
Kind, Sonja ; Kelterborn, Peggy ; Jan Wessels, Jan (2022): Kompetenz- und Vernetzungsplattform im Bereich Open Access