Dr. Rasmus Bode

"Science thrives on constant renewal, driven primarily by early career researchers. They must be understood in order to be able to shape the future of our knowledge society."

Focus of work

  • Economics of Science
  • Economics of Innovation
  • Early career researchers
  • Econometrics
  • Quantitative methods
  • Curriculum vitae

    After studying economics and behavioral economics at the University of Kassel, Rasmus Bode wrote his dissertation on researcher mobility and knowledge diffusion. Before joining the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit), Rasmus Bode worked as a research associate at the University of Kassel at the Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship research group and at the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER) on topics related to the economics of innovation and science with a focus on young scientists. Since 2022, he has been a project leader in the programme agency "Digital Transformation in Education, Science and Research", and is responsible for the topic "Digital Transformation in Science". Since 2023, he has been head of the iit-research project "German Federal Report Young Scientists 2025 (BuWiK 2025)".


    Bruns, Stephan B.; Asanov, Igor; Bode, Rasmus; Dunger, Melanie; Funk, Christoph; Hassan, Sherif M.; Hauschildt, Julia; Heinisch, Dominik P.; Kempa, Karol; König, Johannes; Lips, Johannes; Verbeck, Matthias; Wolfschütz, Eva; Buenstorf, Guido (2019): Reporting errors and biases in published empirical findings: Evidence from innovation research. In: Research Policy. Vol. 48, Nr. 9. Beitrag Nr. 103796.