Rudy Laubstein
"A sustainable design of tomorrow's world starts with the new ideas of today. Communication and the promotion of courageous, creative approaches form the basis for effective implementation of the idea into actual innovation."
Focus of work
- Materials technologies, materials engineering, materials analysis
- Additive manufacturing and joining technologies
- Lightweight construction
- Sustainable materials
- Consulting and support for networks, research and development projects
Curriculum vitae
Rudy Laubstein studied materials science and technology at TU Bergakademie Freiberg and TU Sofia. After graduation, he worked as a research assistant at TU Bergakademie Freiberg in the research group Material Surface Technologie in the fields of materials analysis, additive manufacturing and electron beam welding of steel and aluminium alloys. As deputy project manager for the Central Innovation Programme for small and medium sized enterprises of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), his focus today is on promoting national and international cross-technology networks and market-oriented research projects.
Laubstein, Rudy ; Halbauer, Lars ; Martin, Stefan ; Klemm, Volker ; Zenker, Rolf ; Buchwalder, Anja ; Biermann, Horst (2019): Quality of dissimilar welded particle-reinforced TRIP/TWIP steels generated by electron beam braze-welding
Halbauer, Lars ; Laubstein, Rudy ; Radajewski, Markus ; Buchwalder, Anja ; Krüger, Lutz ; Biermann, Horst (2018): Electron Beam Welding and Characterization of Dissimilar Joints with TWIP Matrix Composites.