Tobias Hungerland (nee Jetzke)

"Futures Studies is considered an emerging scientific discipline in Germany. A close, transdisciplinary interlocking of theory and praxis as well as the opportunity to develop new techniques and ideas characterise my daily work."

Focus of work

  • Developing foresight excercises
  • Conducting Horizon Scanning excercises
  • Futures Studies: developing methods and techniques
  • Interdependency between technological innovation and social transformation
  • Literature management

Curriculum vitae

After a degree in Business Administration (focussing on Organization & Management Studies) and a consulting job at Prognos, Tobias Hungerland (nee Jetzke) entered the postgraduate Master’s programme „Futures Studies“, so far the only programme dedicated to Futures Studies in Germany. For two years he examined methodes, techniques and topics concerning Futures Studies and engaged in different projects and networks. Since 2014, he is employed at VDI/VDE-IT, specifically in Demographic Change and Future Studies Department where he works in projects for the German Bundestag and the German Umweltbundesamt, developing and conducting Horizon Scanning excercises.


Hungerland, Tobias; Sebastian Abel; Meißner, Lia; Richter, Stephan; Michelmann, Jakob; Ziegler, Oliver; Domröse, Lena; Knörzer, Ulrike; Olliges, Julia; Keppner, Benno (2023): From Quantum Computing to the Future of Inner Cities to a New World (Dis-)Order
Hungerland, Tobias; Richter, Stephan; Ferdinand, Jan-Peter; Schaat, Samer (2019): Künstliche Intelligenz im Umweltbereich
Bovenschulte, Marc; Meyer, Gereon; Ferdinand, Jan-Peter; Hungerland, Tobias; Stagl, Sebastian; Müller, Beate; Schulz, Tobias; Wessels, Jan (2017): Der auto-mobile Komplex - Versuch einer Einordnung
Apt, Wenke; Bogenstahl, Christoph; Christmann-Budian, Stephanie; von Engelhardt, Sebastian; Ferdinand, Jan-Peter; Gaens, Thomas; Geffers, Johannes; Hungerland, Tobias; Kind, Sonja; Krabel, Stefan; Lindow, Ina; Loroff, Claudia; Richter, Stephan; Seebode, Julia; Schubert, Michael; Stubbe, Julian; Weber, Stefan G.; Weide, Sebastian; Wittpahl, Volker; Zinke, Guido (2017): Digitale Souveränität. Bürger – Unternehmen – Staat