Benefits and financing of technical assistance systems using the example of networks in the neighbourhood
The project is based on the results of the study 'Support for people in need of care through technical assistance systems' presented at the end of 2013. It provided the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) with initial indications of the extent to which currently existing technical assistance systems are suitable for achieving the goals of care aid provision set out in § 40 SGB XI. These goals address the facilitation of care, the alleviation of complaints and the enabling of a more independent lifestyle. In the project, a concrete technical assistance system for neighbourhood networking (PAUL) is to be examined in its practical application. The technical solution under consideration has a modular structure so that users can use different functionalities according to their respective needs - from emergency calls to home control and information to networking with service providers, e.g. for household-related services, medicine and care. The project will shed light on essential questions regarding the concrete utility value and, based on this, financing options for technical innovations for older people and those in need of care.
December 2014 until Mai 2016
German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)