The project 'ExcellenceTandem' implemented the idea of scientific further education for medium-sized companies and specifically supported the formation of tandems between employees from innovative technology-oriented Berlin companies and diploma or master graduates of Beuth University. Tandems were also initiated at the doctoral level, in which employees from Berlin companies were supported by graduates of Beuth University in the preparation of their doctorates. The project was accompanied and evaluated by the Institute for Innovation and Research (iit) within the VDI/VDE-IT. It turned out that the concept was received very positively by both the company and the university and had a corresponding effect. The concept offered extensive opportunities for strategic personnel development, especially for small and medium-sized companies, promotion of young talents, scientific further education and the intensification of university and entrepreneurial cooperation.
May 2007 until December 2007
Berlin Senate Department for Economy, Technology and Women and the European Social Fund, Germany