Potential analysis 3D printing (additive manufacturing) in Berlin
The study identified and interviewed Berlin-based 3D printing users through an online survey of 3D printing applications and requirements, the potential and expectations of 3D printing, and support needs. Based on the results, in-depth interviews were conducted with selected experts from 3D printing users, 3D printing vendors and academic stakeholders. In addition to the regional inventory, the geographic distribution of leading players was included to identify regions of excellence in 3D printing. Based on the agglomerated results, the Berlin site was evaluated, including from a national perspective, and a SWOT analysis was conducted. In the context of current regional, national and international developments, promising development corridors for the Berlin site were identified and detailed recommendations for action were made to activate the identified potential of 3D printing for the Berlin site.
January until August 2017
German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety/ German Environment Agency