Socio-technical accompanying research on the model project 'Network HealthyActive' ('NetzWerk GesundAktiv', NWGA)
The cross-sectoral model project Network HealthyAcive ('NetzWerk GesundAktiv, NWGA)' , which was launched as a pilot project in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel under the leadership of the Techniker Krankenkasse, aims to enable people of advanced age and in need of care to live largely self-determined lives in their own homes. Through the networking of help and care services as well as targeted counselling and support, outpatient care at home or in the neighbourhood is to become an alternative for older people who would actually need full inpatient care due to their health situation. The NetzWerk GesundAktiv (NWGA) will also strengthen caring relatives and test ways to use technical assistance systems. The project is funded by the Innovation Fund of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) with 8.9 million euros. The Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) within the VDI/VDE-IT supports the Techniker Krankenkasse in the implementation of the model project in the form of socio-technical accompanying research. The focus here is on the project-accompanying identification of success-critical framework conditions or interfaces and their cross-project partner processing.
January 2017 – January 2021
German health insurer Techniker Krankenkasse