Dr. Arno Wilhelm-Weidner
„Educational processes and their transformation are of great importance across generations – and require guidance from the didactic as well as the technical point of view.“
Focus of work
- Digital Transformation
- Digital Education
- Didactics of computer science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Educational Technologies
- Data Literacy
Curriculum vitae
Arno Wilhelm-Weidner studied computer science and earned his doctorate on the topic of e-learning for theoretical computer science. Since 2020, Dr. Arno Wilhelm-Weidner has been working in the field of Education and Science at VDI/VDE-IT and, together with colleagues, headed the project office of the National Education Platform and the digital support of the INVITE innovation competition of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as well as the Digital Higher Education project management. Wilhelm-Weidner works on various projects at the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit), including artificial intelligence at universities.
Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Hübsch, Thomas; Straub, Sebastian; Vogel-Adham, Elke; Vogt, Andrea (2024): Large Language Models in der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Handlungsempfehlungen für die zukünftige Förderung
Hübsch, Thomas; Vogel-Adham, Elke; Vogt, Andrea; Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno (2024): Sprachgewandt in die Zukunft: Large Language Models im Dienst der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Ein Beitrag der Digitalbegleitung im Rahmen des Innovationswettbewerbs INVITE
Volker Wittpahl (Hrsg.); Bierau-Delpont, Frauke; Börner, Kai; Buhl, Claudia Martina; Busch, Anne; Creemers, Niklas; Demirci, Stefanie; Erckrath, Melanie; Frey, Felix P.; Hornbostel, Lorenz; Kerbusch, Jochen; Kölbel, Andrea; Korzynietz, Roman; Krabel, Stefan; Krahl Perez, Cristina; Kroushkov, Dimitar; Lehning, Lukas; Lutze, Maxie; Malchow, Jan-Ole; Martens, Martin; Moorfeld, Rainer; Müller, Marius; Ritter, Claudia; Rotter, Uwe; Schliep, Rainer; Schmidt, Anne; Schmietow, Bettina; Schweigel, Henry; Tillack, Désirée; Wangler, Leo; Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Wilsch, Benjamin; Wischmann, Steffen; Nicole Wittenbrink; Wolf, Stefan (2022): Resilienz. Leben – Räume – Technik
Peters, Ina; Boeger, Laura; Mittelstädt, Alexander; Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Schmidt, Florian (2021): Lessons Learned: Digital Semester for Engineering Courses at the Technische Universität Berlin. In: Proceedings of the 49th SEFI Annual Conference 2021.
Schmidt, Florian ; Schmitt, Franz-Josef; Boeger, Laura; Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Torjus, Nicole (2019): Digital Teaching and Learning Projects in Engineering Education at Technische Universität Berlin. In Proceedings of the 126th Annual ASEE Conference.
Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Bergner, Nadine (2018): Vergleich von Lernstilen und deren Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten im LMS Moodle. In: Schuhen, Michael & Froitzheim, Manuel (Hrsg.): Das Elektronische Schulbuch 2017. Fachdidaktische Anforderungen und Ideen treffen auf Lösungsvorschläge der Informatik. Münster: LIT Verlag.
Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Nestmann, Uwe (2018): On the User Experience of Moodle as a Tool for e-Learning in Theoretical Computer Science. In: Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018.
Wolf, Alexander; Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Nestmann, Uwe (2018): A Case Study of Flipped Classroom for Automata Theory in Secondary Education. In Proceedings of the 13th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE ’18), October 4–6, 2018, Potsdam, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.
Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Nestmann, Uwe (2017): Interaktives Erstellen mobiler Lerneinheiten mit MobiMat. In Schuhen, Michael/ Froitzheim, Manuel/ Schuhen, Katrin (Hrsg.): Das Elektronische Schulbuch 2016. Fachdidaktische Anforderungen und Ideen treffen auf Lösungsvorschläge der Informatik. Münster: LIT Verlag.
Bisping, Benjamin; Brodmann, Paul; Jungnickel, Tim; Rickmann, Christina; Seidler, Henning; Stüber, Anke; Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Peters, Kirstin; Nestmann, Uwe (2016): A constructive proof for FLP. Archive of Formal Proofs.
Bisping, Benjamin; Brodmann, Paul; Jungnickel, Tim; Rickmann, Christina; Seidler, Henning; Stüber, Anke ; Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno; Peters, Kirstin ; Nestmann, Uwe (2016): Mechanical verification of a constructive proof for FLP. In Blanchette, J. C. and Merz, S., editors, Interactive Theorem Proving – 7th International Conference, ITP 2016, Nancy, France, August 22-25, 2016, Proceedings, volume 9807 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, S. 107–122.
Nestmann, Uwe; Wilhelm-Weidner, Arno (2014): Vorlesungen innovativ gestalten, chapter Screencasts Pro:Wie Lehrvideos die Vorlesung ergänzen können. BELTZ Verlag, S. 149–158.