Dr. Matthias Bürger
Focus of work
- Business models
- Start-ups
- Economics of Innovation
- Indicators for research and innovation
- venture capital
- Robotics
Curriculum vitae
After studying business administration and intercultural communication at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Matthias Bürger worked as a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Economics and at the DFG Research Training Group 1411 "The Economics of Innovative Change" and completed his doctorate on the effects and influences of regional innovation activity. Afterwards, he founded a start-up with two colleagues, which he managed as CEO for several years. In the process, he was responsible for several rounds of financing with VCs and business angels, a successful crowdfunding campaign, and the market launch of a robotics construction kit system. Since 2017, he has been employed at iit, where he is particularly involved in the development of business models, start-ups and innovation indicators.